Too Late To Apologize – IOTW Report

Too Late To Apologize

…an oldie but goodie. I think we’ve posted this every year on July 4th. πŸ™‚

21 Comments on Too Late To Apologize

  1. I post the video on my Facebook page with this quote from Dennis Miller every year…

    β€œAnd quit bringing up our forefathers and saying they were civil libertarians. Our founding fathers would have never tolerated any of this crap. For God’s sake, they were blowing peoples’ heads off because they put a tax on their breakfast beverage. And it wasn’t even coffee.” Dennis Miller, comedian

  2. This needs to be saved for January 2014 when the ObamaCare tax kicks in and then replayed on a continuous loop up through November. I’d recommend re-edit the video to show Nancy Pelosi, Reed and Obama along with the Dems of 2010 telling the nation how great ObamaCare is going to be and how they had to pass it so we could read it. Work in scenes of Tea Party rallies and Town Hall meetings were Dem repesentatives getting confronted.

    Yeah, its going to be too late to apologize for Obamacare once everyone is forced to buy something that the government dictates to them or get fined.

  3. Did I post to this thread in my sleep and get the date wrong and think Obamacare hadn’t been launched yet? Or did I go back in time hide this comment for a year and suddenly sprang it when no one expected it?

    Either way it’s deja vu all over again.

  4. and so it finally happened…
    The day came that I am (facetiously) mad and disappointed with Illstr8r! You’re as frustrating as Fur is… How dare you post this video while my baby boy is asleep in the room with me! No way I can watch this without cranking it and singing along, and yet if I don’t, the thought will gnaw at me all day until I come home from work just to play this video!!! Gee Thanks alot illustr8r… or should I say agit8r…

    OK, just kidding. Wow, I’m in a good mood this morning! It is a most beautiful day outside and the temperature is perfect. I should probably close this stupd laptop and get back outside before it turns in to the tropical rain forest again… or Arthur gets here and blows us away!

    BTW everybody, how’s Menderman?

    Or better yet, Hey Mender, you doing ok down there? Everybody ok?

  5. @DrTar This was the first time I tried posting the same post from last year-so I didn’t have to search the internets for the vid. I updated the text of what I said-but I guess last years comments came along regardless. iOTW behind the scenes! πŸ™‚

  6. I’m glad this was posted, I was playing this in my head the other day and as usual I butchered it. I am not a musician so it is great to see the real thing.

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