‘Too Young to Have First Amendment Rights’ – Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Teachers Were Right to Abuse 7-Year-Old Child For BLM Drawing – IOTW Report

‘Too Young to Have First Amendment Rights’ – Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Teachers Were Right to Abuse 7-Year-Old Child For BLM Drawing

A federal judge on Thursday ruled teachers at an elementary school were right to ban a child from recess for two weeks over a Black Lives Matter drawing that a person found ‘offensive.’

Teachers at Viejo Elementary in Orange County, California punished an innocent child and forced her to apologize on the playground publicly for adding ‘any life’ to her BLM drawing.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, US District Court Judge David Carter, a Clinton appointee, ruled the child, named ‘B.B.’ in the lawsuit, was ‘too young to have First Amendment rights.’ more

21 Comments on ‘Too Young to Have First Amendment Rights’ – Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Teachers Were Right to Abuse 7-Year-Old Child For BLM Drawing

  1. Anyone who disallows a citizen’s rights and/or allows others to brutalize a child should immediately lose their law degrees/positions permanently. Lifetime in prison, no parole.

  2. It’s obvious ultra-liberals believe a fetus has no rights.
    How old must a person be to have God Given rights?
    No where in the Bill of Rights or Constitution mention any age restriction for the Freedoms of Speech and other freedoms Americans enjoy.

    In Stanley v. Georgia (1969), the Supreme Court stated that the First Amendment protects the right to receive information and ideas, regardless of their social worth, and to be generally free from governmental intrusions into one’s privacy and control of one’s own thoughts.
    The Court ruled that the government cannot ban expression merely because it is offensive. In the majority opinion, Justice Alito wrote:

    Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.” United States v. Schwimmer, 279 U. S. 644, 655 (1929) (Holmes, J., dissenting).[200][201]

    A plurality opinion[h] in Matal v. Tam (2017) affirmed the principle “that “the public expression of ideas may not be prohibited merely because the ideas are themselves offensive to some of their hearers.” Street v. New York, 394 U. S. 576, 592 (1969).”

    A liberal Clinton Judicial appointee has wrongly supported the Viejo Elementary in Orange County, California when they restricted a child’s expression and the false meanings applied to his drawing.

  3. I have thoroughly searched the 1st Amendment of the COTUS and can find nowhere stated that a citizen’s rights guaranteed by said amendment are subject to any age requirement. This “judge” should be immediately removed from the bench, disbarred and prosecuted under Title 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law (and the “teachers” / principal should be prosecuted as well).


  4. …sooo, 7 yos cant decide if the lives of people of skin colors other than Black matter, but they CAN decide if they want their dicks cut off. maiming them for life.


    …so what yoyre saying is that White kids have no rights other than to harm themselves, and their parents have no right to protect them from you.

    …rights come from GOD, not from MAN. The Constitution doesnt GRANT rights, it simply ACKNOWLEDGES them.

    The rights come with the package and arent added on later. sorry.

    …tell me again that Government schools arent indoctrination centers and nothing more…

  5. “An elementary school … is not a marketplace of ideas…”

    She’s not wrong. Elementary schools are now factories of indoctrination. The leftists know that getting hold of a child’s mind when very young means complete control later. That is why ”…the downsides of regulating speech there is not as significant as it is in high schools…”.

    By high school age all the kids have been leftist-indoctrinated, and there is less need to openly trample the First Amendment, because the mass of leftist-conformist teens who were brainwashed since kindergarten now regulate their own speech quite well. And they raise Maoism to an art form by college age.

  6. ICYMI, for over a decade I have posted that progressive/Marxist/Satanists view their offspring as fashion accessories while they are babies and toddlers and consider any human being’s value in context of what they can exploit them for to advance their own agenda. If nothing else, this is validation that my observation isn’t without merit.

  7. The democrats have baked anti-white racism into our laughable “rule of law”. Whites better figure that out. And the ones who are still okay with that need to be kneecapped both figuratively and literally (in egregious Uncle Tom instances), of this shit will only get worse. The more whites tolerate, the more the anti-whites will dish out. *THEY* hate us and are looking for a “final solution” to the “white problem).

  8. First, they eliminate the rights of the unborn, then the rights of elementary age kids…the liberals are on a trajectory…they won’t stop till take away all of our God-given rights, 1A, 2A, and all the rest. And it’s because they don’t believe in God.

    This case really galls me…liberals are evil incarnate, and must be stopped. God hates liberals.

  9. What is being instilled in students is a Collectivist, Group Identity/Group-Think worldview. At its very core it is a “bully culture.” Students learn that the punishment it inflicts on all dissent is, therefore, righteous and justified.

    We operated under the “color-blind/content of character” construct since MLK. That’s where we were as a nation. That all ended with Obama, when everything became about race and color of skin in a heavy-handed way. The Bully Culture of the Group.

    There is no such thing as a “black life.” What is a “black life?” I don’t know any “black lives.”

    I know black PEOPLE. Black PEOPLE matter, of course. For black people to matter, it is necessary that ALL people matter; it cannot be exclusive to one group of people. This 7-year-old is more correct that she realized.


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