Top 15 Cities Where Bed Bugs Bite – IOTW Report

Top 15 Cities Where Bed Bugs Bite

hillary hands behind back

Rounding out the top 15 bed bug cities in the United States are:

  1. Detroit, Mich. (4)
  2. Philadelphia, Pa. (1)
  3. Cleveland-Akron, Ohio (15)
  4. Los Angeles, Calif. (14)
  5. Dayton, Ohio (-)
  6. Chicago, Ill. (5)
  7. Columbus, Ohio (8)
  8. Cincinnati, Ohio (2)
  9. Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas (7)
  10. San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, Calif. (-)
  11. Denver, Colo. (12)
  12. Toledo, Ohio (-)
  13. Oklahoma City, OK (-)
  14. Baltimore, Md. (9)
  15. New York, N.Y. (3)

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14 Comments on Top 15 Cities Where Bed Bugs Bite

  1. Obviously won’t be any “Barky Slept Here” signs…… too bad. Any varmints that bite Hitlery will be instantly poisoned for sure…She is the walking death plague….

  2. Bedbugs, Demonrats, lice, ticks, fleas, rats, mice, mexicans, flesh-eating bacteria, feral ghetto dwellers, antibiotic resistant TB, dribbling shitz, ringworm, ass-fungus, izlamic savages …

    kinda all goes together, don’t it?

  3. Democrat/communist policies in action. Most expensive, least safe, and have the most vermin. I’m willing to bet that they also have the most third world diseases formerly wiped out in the 50-60s USA.

    Keep voting democrat you stupid losers.

  4. All of those cities listed in Ohio are ultra-liberal Obama ass-kissing crap holes. All run by Demorats for decades. Columbus missed the list some how. Another coincidence is all those cities have radicalized mosques and Pisslamists dumped by the last 2 governors.

  5. 30 years ago it was rare to get a call to take care of bed bugs in Dallas. We considered it a Northern state and international travel problem then.

    Very different now.

    They are expensive to take care of despite charging $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 for an average home, the cost of doing them can exceed 80% of what you charge. Mostly the physical items the place will need like bed covers at $50.00 each etc.. Not a lot of profit compared to termites, etc. Most of us in small pest biz companies down here have no problem passing these calls on to someone who wants to do them.

    This is one of those problems that you have to know where you got them from in the first place – and where you gave the problem to, also. Mostly, I see a family has spread it to their relatives living elsewhere, which means re-infestation is GOING to happen. You can’t get rid of them if every place involved with that family isn’t treated – that very well may include their workplace. Yikes!. Generally the people have no clue as to where they got them or where they spread them to.

    Who wants to give an open ended warranty? Or a reputation that you never got rid of their problem completely?

    Add that people often throw their infested furniture to the curb – which then gets picked up by someone who thinks they are getting a free couch, bed, or dresser that looks to be in better shape than what they already have at home.

    The problem is always wider than just that one home or hotel room.

    My youngest son works with me now. The company he first worked for had him treat 5 hotels with around 200 rooms each – so he has literally done over 1,000 bed bug jobs. It took over a year and he became the trainer for that company regarding bed bugs.

    Now that he is with me, he is adamant he, or my company, never does another one. He knows the depth of the situation and it isn’t worth the trouble for a small biz.

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