Top aide to John Durham’s Russia investigation resigns – IOTW Report

Top aide to John Durham’s Russia investigation resigns

She got a little nervous, maybe?


Stories of a top aide to USAO John Durham, Nora Dannehy (good Irish family), leaving the investigative unit have hit the media narrative cycle.   However, here’s a slightly different perspective about her departure you won’t see anywhere else.

CONNECTICUT – Federal prosecutor Nora Dannehy, a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the U.S. Justice Department probe – at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done, colleagues said. (read more)

That highlighted narrative segment is horse-pucky.

Unbeknownst to Ms. Dannehy, we met, we crossed paths in DC.  It was an serendipitous outcome of putting my physical presence in a position to interact.  From our encounter Ms. Dannehy seemed to be a functionary of the investigative process; located in DC as an outcome of her task assignment.

Dannehy, very familiar with the DC national security networks; and carrying a top-secret clearance level; had a role to play where she reached into compartmented silos, retrieved information, conducted interviews and then sent the raw data along with summaries back up the investigative pipeline. Ergo, she seemed to be an investigative “functionary.” more

see also: Washington Examiner

8 Comments on Top aide to John Durham’s Russia investigation resigns

  1. Why would she be nervous? These people have no fear of us. She is doing exactly what they all do when they know they’re caught. They resign and the system presents another distraction, a shiny object to distract the peoples attention.

    So what, is congress going to hold another meeting where Lindsey Graham gets another zesty soundbite? Yeah, I’m sure she’s shaking in her boots.

  2. The UNIPARTY made THE SWAMP a thing to fear – for America lovers, to those protecting America.
    The SWAMP the Bush Clan built is the green in the pic!

    John has DEEP ties to the Bush Clan; so I DONT TRUST HIM.

  3. This foot dragging of the investigation has been political from the beginning.

    If you indict before the election it’s political.

    If you wait until after the election in hopes that a Biden administration, *shudder*, will immediately dismiss its conclusions then it is…wait for it…also political.

    BFD. It’s investigating political operatives using the states’ entire security apparatus to undermine the 2016 election and the winner.

    It is by definition political whether it’s now or later. But doing it later definitely helps the people who were involved in the worst scandal in US history.

  4. I just wish someone had the gumption to stop all of the go nowhere investigations. Maybe start looking into which little people are abusing overtime or stealing from the supply closet.

    Those people can be prosecuted.

  5. Mohammed’s pink swastika – I’m sure she left for a new job just as she skid-marked her way out. Gotta look for a new money source before your name gets tainted. That’s what I meant by ‘nervous’. Durham may be looking at something within her particular batch of friends and she doesn’t want to answer any questions, so she had to leave and make herself unavailable.

    As far as we know, she could be a snitch reporting back to brennan.

  6. The article when read in its entirety makes great sense. She bailed because she needs to work within the circle that is being investigated. Leaving gives her the so called “plausible deniability.” She’s protected HER interests for when she next seeks another position with the cabal.


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