Top Canadian Pathologist: COVID Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public” – IOTW Report

Top Canadian Pathologist: COVID Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public”

Gateway Pundit:

Top Canadian pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told Alberta government officials that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Dr. Hodkinson responded on a zoom call in Canada the following:

Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.


18 Comments on Top Canadian Pathologist: COVID Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public”

  1. I was talking to a neighbor (in her 90s) on the phone the other day and she burst out in tears because she couldn’t leave the house, or do her activities for the past year because of this bullshit. Exactly what she calls this, ‘bullshit’. So today her doctor told her it’s okay if she hangs out with a group of 4 to play cards. Ohhh, a group of FOUR! WOW!!!

    This corona lock-down scam is hurting the very young and the very old.
    I hope you vicious assholes get punished severely.
    I hope your brains get diseased and all you are able to do is hallucinate and piss yourselves.

  2. Irrational, uninformed people are gripped by fear of death. I have several sisters who can’t let go of it. And yes, they’re Liberals.

    Why are Conservatives not gripped by fear? It’s not just education and/or experience, I don’t think. There has to be something causing it in the Liberal brain. “Liberalism is a mental disorder” doesn’t go far enough to explain it. What is the disorder – and why?

  3. Too bad we don’t have an honest health department that could perhaps give elected officials and the interested public some factual consensus on the truth and end the swirling political BS.

  4. I have a daily conference call with 5 democrats that live off of the MSM between 45-55 that are scared to death of this virus. One of their wives is a doctor and talk about propaganda, he was carrying on about a 6% infection rate. They can’t believe some states are not closing down and the masks, oh the glorious masks! Who wouldn’t wear the mask. I can’t even comment anymore. It is crazy how many people have bought into this fear fest. But they are hypocrites too and have become very tribal. It is okay to hang out with people they know, somehow strangers are the risk. It is the most insane contradictions and they don’t see it at all.

  5. “unsuspecting public”???? Really? Who here did not suspect the hoax from the beginning?

    We may not have known how bad the hoax was, but I doubt that very many of us were ‘unsuspecting’.

  6. For the most part, I don’t think the word “unsuspecting” describes the public. I do, however, see people on FB who say the reason for the second lockdown is because people did not lock themselves in their bunkers during the first lockdown. I have also seen that the first lockdown didn’t do any good because it was too early.

    Now that the elite know they can get away with this sort of thing we will now always have something like this going on.

  7. Ask the libs you know. Why is your governor/mayor/senator/rep out having lunch, going to the gym, getting their haircuts, around large groups of people? Why are they at protests with large groups of people? And then ask them if it’s a pandemic, why aren’t people passing out and dying in the streets in front of your eyes?

    Also ask them why is it only the Republican senators or congressmen getting infected? But never any democrats. Not one. How is that possible when they’re running around talking to reporters?

    And then tell them to look up the bubonic plague. Shit, look up the other plagues, too. Those people had boils on their bodies, bleeding from every hole they owned, falling dead in the roads.
    THAT, is a pandemic.

  8. @Jimmy

    “Irrational, uninformed people are gripped by fear of death”.

    That’s about it. If a person believes in God, there is no fear of death. The liberals do crazy stuff to try rid themselves of their irrational fear, like climbing up buildings like Spider Man and other dumb stunts. They get a rush by tempting violent death. Then, they have to do even riskier things to get even bigger rushes. So stupid. God gave us life, but not to throw it away.

  9. Too bad no one in Toronto is listening to him.

    Premier Fat Slob Doug Ford just put Toronto into another lockdown starting Monday at 12:01am for 28 days plus????

  10. A Canadian doctor said in an interview today the his colleagues who went into public health and psychology were always the ones at the bottom of the class in med school.
    Factor in Government Worker and a resentment of the private sector and you get the Trifecta if incompetence.

    As Crowder said Yesterday: Vaccines are claimed 95% effective against a disease that 99.5% recover from! No better way to put this into PERSPECTIVE


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