Top Facebook and Twitter Execs Gave Tens of Thousands to Biden Campaign While Censoring Hunter Biden Story – IOTW Report

Top Facebook and Twitter Execs Gave Tens of Thousands to Biden Campaign While Censoring Hunter Biden Story

Dan Bongino-

Federal Election Commission records show that executives at social media giants Facebook and Twitter donated thousands to the campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden but not a single penny to the Trump campaign. more

5 Comments on Top Facebook and Twitter Execs Gave Tens of Thousands to Biden Campaign While Censoring Hunter Biden Story

  1. Only “tens of thousands”? They better dig deeper than that if they expect to jump the line ahead of China.

    Oh, that’s right, Cyborg Zuckerberg ponied up HALF A BILLION+ to smash and grab an U.S. presidential election.

  2. I shouldn’t be, but I am continually amazed at the complete ethical and moral void in these progressive billionaires. Not even a twinge of conscience at stealing the election and professing innocence and ignorance. They are not just misguided ideologues, they are the embodiment of evil and godlessness.


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