Top FBI Swamp lawyer resigns allegedly at request of Justice Department – IOTW Report

Top FBI Swamp lawyer resigns allegedly at request of Justice Department

The resignation comes he reportedly worked to block the release of evidence in the Flynn case

Just The News: Dana Boente, a longtime lawyer for the FBI, resigned on Saturday allegedly at the request of the Justice Department, following earlier allegations that he had worked to block the public release of exculpatory evidence in the Michael Flynn case. 

Boente had been at the FBI for just under 40 years. Anonymous sources told NBC News on Saturday that the request for his resignation came from “high levels” of the Justice Department. 

An FBI official told The Federalist in April that Boente “led the charge internally against DOJ’s disclosure” against allegedly exculpatory documents of Michael Flynn.  more here

Conservative Treehouse has the details on his scumbaggetry.

9 Comments on Top FBI Swamp lawyer resigns allegedly at request of Justice Department

  1. The big question is – did he testify against any of the others for a plea deal?
    This is not a time to look past illegal activity, even minor infractions. They were trying to frame good people for less. Every one of them deserve full justice, even if it bancrupts them.

  2. Wray’s comments about this seditious bastard might seal his fate as well. Boente’s past finally caught up with him, and Wray sends him off with a statement thanking him for his outstanding service, as if that makes up for his role in the Russian Collusion Hoax. He was removed by Barr’s Justice Department, not the FBI. Wray is not getting on board with the housecleaning. He might be next.


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