Top FDA vaccine regulators resign, with administration’s backing of COVID booster reportedly factor – IOTW Report

Top FDA vaccine regulators resign, with administration’s backing of COVID booster reportedly factor

Just The News:

Two top FDA vaccine regulators will leave the agency this fall, in part reportedly over Biden administration’s position that adults should get a coronavirus booster vaccination.

The reasoning for Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Philip Kraus’ departure was reported by The New York Times, according to people familiar with their thinking. 

Neither believed there is enough data yet to justify offering booster shots and considered the announcement pressure on the FDA to quickly authorize them, the sources told the news outlet. more here

11 Comments on Top FDA vaccine regulators resign, with administration’s backing of COVID booster reportedly factor

  1. And now Pfizer is touting a 2-a-day “novel oral therapy that could be prescribed at the first sign of infection, without requiring hospitalization.” Of course, it would be taken alongside the jabs, not in place of them.

    How much you want to bet that it’s nothing but lab-tweaked HCQ or Ivermectin with a price markup to make obscene profit?

  2. Yea, also, we can thank Biden for now destroying the FDA.

    By the time he’s done all government operations will no longer function, full of wokeness and funded to the gills. With immunity from critique.

  3. ecp, there’s a reason we never had a common cold (coronavirus) vaccine. It can’t be done. Probably why they were experimenting with weaponizing coronaviruses in the first place. Everything about this plandemic is about money and control of living people, not killing off half the earth’s population. We’ve been corralled by the sniffles.

  4. @ecp
    “Question I have. Is no one working on an actual vaccine? We just called quits after what we got and done with it?”

    Once again. Nobody is working on real vaccine because the main ingredient of it is actual virus. Nobody has a Covid-19 virus isolated to this day, and probably never will. Why present “vaccines” are such voodoos magic.

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