Top Fox execs and show hosts have some explaining to do – IOTW Report

Top Fox execs and show hosts have some explaining to do

Before we get to that. Read this:
FOX News Filing Shows DOMINION Voting Systems Executives Including Eric Coomer Knew Its Voting Systems Had Major Security Issues, Was Hacked, and Was “Riddled with Bugs.”

That information (and more) (And a little more: starts at 1hr:04mn) was available long before this. Why all the stalling by the media, including FOX?
Because they think you’re dumb.

JTN: Influential Fox News Channel opinion-show hosts and top executives engaged in hand-wringing over what they thought were  conspiracy theories being made on their airways by allies of Donald Trump regarding the 2020 election, according to internal emails, text messages and depositions excerpted in a new court filing.

“Sidney Powell is lying,” prime-time host Tucker Carlson wrote to a producer about the Trump lawyer, who claimed voting technology companies “flipped” Trump votes to Biden, according toThe Washington Post, which reviewed the filings released Thursday.

The concerns appear to have reached the highest level of Fox, including company founder Rupert Murdoch, who wrote about claims by Powell and fellow Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani, saying, “Terrible stuff damaging everybody.” MORE

32 Comments on Top Fox execs and show hosts have some explaining to do

  1. We’re all supposed to believe that the fraudulent Jackass in Chief got 81 million votes 🤔 Don’t think so

    When Fox News called it for I shit 💩 my pants in Arizona on election night, something didn’t pass the smell test then, and still doesn’t to this day 😩

  2. Loco, seems to me he’s more on board now, but for a while immediately after the election he was toeing the Fox company line. In fact I watched a couple of his shows back then and I shut it off thinking, yup, controlled opposition. In all honesty he’s come down hard on some appropriate targets lately. I don’t watch much teevee so I’m sure I’m missing some stuff.

  3. “Loco, seems to me he’s more on board now, but for a while immediately after the election he was toeing the Fox company line.”
    That’s an understatement. Paul Ryan told Tucker, Tow the company line or I’ll fuck you in the ass again. Tucker towed the company Libtard line. I watch him. I enjoy when he’s on the attack. But I’ll never totally trust him again. He’s on record saying he never thought the election was stolen.

  4. “He’s on record saying he never thought the election was stolen.”
    OK, prove it, show the record.
    Fact is, you cannot, you made that shit up.
    He NEVER said that and constantly reports on the bullshit that happened prior to the election.
    Stop making shit up.
    Who do you think you are, Beachmom?
    Come on man…

  5. OK


    I didn’t realize there were that many caves in Las Vegas.

  6. Ohhh you got me Brad…

    W R O N G

    ALL of those posts are reference to The bullshit Rudy & Sidney were peddling.
    Which, *spoiler alert* TURNED OUT TO BE TOTAL BULLSHIT!

    All of the above posts turned out to be correct.
    Behind the scenes they smelled bullshit and that is what it was.

    Case in point:
    “Trump’s two highest-profile lawyers at the time were Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, who both pushed a false conspiracy theory that Dominion and a rival election technology company, Smartmatic, secretly worked together to flip votes from Trump to Biden.”

    Tucker was right, 100%…irrefutable.

    Yes, there was fraudulent shit that went on in 2020 but the shit you posted were lies from Sidney who really let us down with outright horseshit, a ridiculous distraction.

  7. The fact is Sidney & Rudy made leaps of logic that so many of us wanted to be true.
    We wanted the smoking gun, the Kraken SO bad.
    They played us and yet YOU DEFEND THEM?

    It wasn’t only not true, worse it was contrived bullshit attempted for grift.
    Assholes that continue to lie to me get no quarter.

  8. Why am I a Nazi? I’m not fucking telling YOU what to believe. I’m telling you what I know. Take your Nazi shit someplace else. Believe what you want and I’ll do the same. Shit!

  9. I think the biggest tragedy in all this, with all the legitimate fraud going on, the 2000 Mules, the hidden counts, the 2 AM vote dumps, the ballot harvesting, etc, Trump & Co. focused on pure FANTASY, hence the choice of “Kraken” now seems very apropos.

  10. Here’s a little secret LOCO, I’ve been dry for three weeks. And had tapered back big before then. There’s a drunk posting here tonight, but it’s not me. So you can stuff that shit up your ass. Like all Libs you always got to make it personal. I’m to busy for the distraction. You and Rich should be happy together.

    Rich, really fucking stupid alliance.

  11. I make it personal? After your ad hominin attacks?
    Who called someone a derogatory name first?

    I’ll answer that…YOU called me a lib.
    Irrefutable since you can read the posts above in order.

    If you aren’t drinking you must have banged your head.
    Or perhaps I’m arguing with a Fetterman?

  12. Brad, why did you pull me into this? I really hate that shit.

    It is poor form to invoke someone’s name in a thread that they are not a part of.

    A few years back we had a semi-regular poster that tried that s*** with me, and I let him have it, he is not been back since.

    On threats that I am a part of, all’s fair in love and war, but if I’m not, please leave me out of it.

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