Top GWB admin DOJ Official Helped Keep Opioid Executives From Prison – IOTW Report

Top GWB admin DOJ Official Helped Keep Opioid Executives From Prison

  • The head of the Justice Department’s criminal division during the George W. Bush administration reportedly opposed pursuing felony charges against pharmaceutical company executives for downplaying OxyContin’s dangers.
  • Top DOJ officials similarly rejected a prosecutor’s recommendation to file felony charges after they met with executives from Purdue Pharma and their defense team, according to The New York Times.
  • Members of the Sackler family, who own Purdue Pharma, sought to mislead the public about abuse surrounding OxyContin, a lawsuit alleges, citing company emails and other documents.


9 Comments on Top GWB admin DOJ Official Helped Keep Opioid Executives From Prison

  1. GWB promoted + hired crooks? Not the morally bankrupt lefty who told the biggest political lie in history, “I’m …. conservative”! That scoundrel is our better and would not do it, Has he not told us he’s “OUR BETTER” thousands of times the last 17 years!@?!$%^?!

  2. The doctors were aware of OxyContin’s deleterious effects.

    At least these guys were “documented” pharmacists, as opposed to the “undocumented” pharmacists who were flying tons of drugs into Mena while Billy Jeff Clinton was governor (and getting payoffs, by the by – yes – probably from the FBI, CIA, and NSA).

    Let’s keep it all in perspective.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. China and Mexico have been flooding the U.S. with illegal Opioids for years. So how does our government fix the problem? Why, they’re going after Pain Clinics treating terminal cancer victims of course! They’re clamping down on surgeons, doctors treating car wreck victims until they have surgery. And the left wants the government to take over health care?

  4. Best to be good, children. Imagine HOW CROWDED Hell will be as all these sinners meet their Maker?!

    I do thank the Lord that he has bigger fish to fry! And FRY He will!!!!!!

  5. The left has often sought sympathy for drug addicts by claiming that drug addiction is a ‘disease’ and that it is initially caused by prescription medications. The way it works, is that once the prescriptions stop, the drugs start. Just narrative wrangling. Use a different word for the same thing and get different responses.
    If drug addiction is indeed a disease, why aren’t the spreaders, or vectors in the world of epidemiology,not pursued? They have no responsibility, and yet the problem, and its extent, is of their creation. But they sure do like the money in their pocket.
    And don’t forget, bayer, the makers of aspirin (and the owners of monsanto) are the creators of heroin.

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