Top Japanese Scientists: ‘Persistent Adverse Events’ Continue Long After Covid Vaccination – IOTW Report

Top Japanese Scientists: ‘Persistent Adverse Events’ Continue Long After Covid Vaccination


A team of prominent Japanese medical researchers has revealed that the side effects associated with Covid mRNA shots continue for a long time after the injection.

The new study, led by Dr. Haruka Hikichi, MD of the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at Akita University, found that injuries from Covid shots can act like a ticking time bomb, with adverse events emerging long after the injection was received.

The peer-reviewed study was published in the prestigious Cureus medical journal.

The research team, which includes Professor Shigeharu Ueki, MD PhD, a renowned allergist and immunologist specialist, sought to better understand the nature of reported adverse events following Covid mRNA injection. more

16 Comments on Top Japanese Scientists: ‘Persistent Adverse Events’ Continue Long After Covid Vaccination

  1. no, I can’t believe it. surely this must be fake news? the U.S. government ( in particular) must be made to pay, no? who are we kidding? they have feminized and emasculated the male population in the U.S. so they have nothing to fear.

  2. You inject a spike protein FACTORY into people and it goes into overdrive whenever it encounters a coronavirus (or whatever this actually is), and never goes away or permanently shuts down. OF COURSE the impacts will last forever…or until death. Suckers. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – DEATH TO ALL RESPONSIBLE.

  3. So glad I held tight. Never got the clot shot. My EX internal medicine actually had the NERVE to tell me I was selfish and putting others in danger. Last time I saw him….

  4. “The peer-reviewed study was published in the prestigious Cureus medical journal.”

    Was not publishing in the The Lancet intentional? That rag has been so politicized and filled with junk articles, so avoiding it is probably a smart move.

  5. The number of people who have been and will be murdered by this shit is staggering. Those responsible for this crime against humanity need to be held accountable, but sadly it probably won’t happen.

  6. Not only those who produced the mRNA CoVid vaccine but those who promoted its use are genocidal maniacs who need to be put down. Start with Fauxi and move on to the pols and media-maggots AFTER the murderers at Pfizer,, are hanged.

    Oh, make them return the money first … (yeah, I’m holding my breath …)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This study seemed to focus on pain.
    They didn’t study many people.
    It was interesting that symptoms of adverse effects that were long term really showed up after the second shot.

  8. The absolute worst adverse effect was the incineration of trust in Public Health worldwide.

    Since covid, none but the brainless will ever trust the NIH, the CDC, or the WHO.

  9. “…, the authors expressly emphasize they are not questioning the usefulness of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

    …then you are still perpetuating the core of the lethal lie.

  10. They’re only disappointed it didn’t kill or sterilize closer to 100%.

    While they’d never be able to deny it then – mission accomplished anyways. The end of western civilization is a lot further away than they thought it would be right now.


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