Top NYC Official Slams De Blasio Over Budget Cuts in Resignation Letter – IOTW Report

Top NYC Official Slams De Blasio Over Budget Cuts in Resignation Letter

The new budget, which took effect July 1… forced the sanitation department to reduce city trash can pickups by 60 percent. MORE

12 Comments on Top NYC Official Slams De Blasio Over Budget Cuts in Resignation Letter

  1. Cynic
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:19 PM
    “I thought it was a group photo of a bunch of Muzzie women in Burkas.”

    ..nah, you can tell by the smell, week-old trash bags that have been sitting in the sun smell MUCH better than a Muslima, and considerably less “fishy”, too…

  2. next will come the rats and then will come the plague.

    there was a story just the other day that squirrels in Mexifornia have plague flees in huge numbers and it is only a matter of time before some PantyFa loser decides to help spread it by shipping some infected rodents to NYC… and with all that trash just laying around and rotting you can bet your bippy that the rats will begin to multiply in response to the overwhelming amount of available food and it will only be a matter of time before the flees migrate to the local rats.

    could not happen to a nicer city…. hope the mayor gets what’s coming to him before too many innocents have to die.

  3. That ought to keep the apartments at full occupancy, the rental rates rising, and send the moving van employees to the unemployment line. As a bonus there’s a few more weeks of warm weather to keep everything fermenting at a rapid rate. The air will be pretty ripe after a week or so.

  4. I remember the days when public sanitation was considered the most important factor in the health of the community.

    “Cleanliness is next to godliness”, anyone remember that phrase?

    But that was before we learned that simply putting a piece of cloth on you face and remaining socially isolated from others around us will make us nearly immortal.

    If we’d only known that back then we could be living in a truly Utopian trash pile today with nary a care nor a fear to trouble us.

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