Top Priority! – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Top Priority!

  1. Most of you may think I may need medication for what I just posted below, but I’ve been thinking about BHO in a different way, at least since I ate the red pill and see the whole political-corporate donor-media Uniparty cartel exposed for what it is.

    I always wondered why this man goes out of his way to insult the American people with his lies and antics. We take it for granted he hates the USA. I understand the “Limbaugh Theorem” that BHO never admits any complicity for the actions and the disastrous results of his administration’s policies. He acts like he is just a bystander, and wants the same things we do, and the media treat him as a bystander. No accountability expected.

    Maybe he is a bystander.

    Maybe it is his way of telling us we are living in a political-corporate donor-media matrix world. Maybe he was told on day one by the power structure he doesn’t run the show and his actions are his way of saying “Fuck you stupid people, you’ve been played, and have always been played by a ruling class, so eat another shit sandwich, while I go golf.”

    He tuned out and the ruling class are fine with that. If they weren’t, they would have impeached him already. They get what they want, so there is no point in that. The unlawful goes unpunished because it suits everyone in the power structure.

    I reread his 12/6/2011 Osawatomie, Kansas campaign speech. Trump could have wrote some of it.

    “Inequality also distorts our democracy. It gives an outsized voice to the few who can afford high-priced lobbyists and unlimited campaign contributions, and runs the risk of selling out our democracy to the highest bidder. And it leaves everyone else rightly suspicious that the system in Washington is rigged against them—that our elected representatives aren’t looking out for the interests of most Americans. ”

    ~BHO 12/6/2011

    Don’t get me wrong. I know he is a true double dipped leftist, but read the speech. It has the usual stuff one would expect for a (D) candidate, but there is more. I left a link below where you can find it.

  2. He’s a bullshit artist;
    You tube “Our strongest Allies.”
    Denmark, one of our strongest allies.
    Ireland. …..our strongest allies, punches above the waist.
    Japan… one of our strongest allies.
    Australia. >>>>>Our strongest allies
    Great Britain >>>>>>Oldest and strongest
    France….,. Oldest and strongest
    And on and on, Germany, our.strongest ally .. The guy is a laughingstock

  3. Fucktard?

    Anyone fail to notice how absolutely fucked up this country has become in 7 fucking years?

    IRS abuses
    EPA abuses
    TSA abuses
    FBI abuses
    INS abuses
    ICE abuses
    NSA abuses
    CIA abuses
    Corps of Engineer abuses
    Chris Stevens murder
    ISIS unopposed
    Iran nuclearized
    SCROTUS abuses
    Legislative ennui
    Baltimore and Ferguson burning
    Violence against Trump
    Fags and women taking over the Armed Forces

    Just coincidences? Are you fucking real?
    There are NO coincidences in politics!
    There are NO paradoxes – PERIOD!
    There are NO unintended consequences when humans make informed decisions.

    Granted, Hussein didn’t do it alone –

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Congress’s # 1 priority should be to impeach obummer. And totally shame and humiliate him and make him a pariah with a permanent black mark as the worst presidunce of the U.S.A. ever And permanently revoke his pension and any perks he got for serving as presidunce and other govt. offices.

  5. Vietvet….LOL! What a hoot.

    Moetom & Tim,

    Ya, I know he is a shithead and the worst President ever, but I think it goes deeper than that.

    Integrity starts at the top. If you’re a left wing agitator-organizer, there isn’t much integrity there, and everyone below senses this and does what they want because there are no boundaries or repercussions.

    But BHO goes to great lengths to let us know he doesn’t give a crap. Like take this, you deserve it America….and it is never ending from about the end of his first year into his administration.

    It’s like he is in another world. The Tango in Argentina after some Americans got blown up in Brussels is the latest. I always believed he was a Narcissistic Sociopath. You would think someone in the administration would try to keep him in line for appearances if he is truly devoid of empathy for the suffering of others.

    Maybe I need a pill just for giving him the benefit of the doubt… has been a long 7 years.

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