Top Senate Democratic Candidates Refuse to Say Whether Men Can Get Pregnant, or Define the Word ‘Woman’ – IOTW Report

Top Senate Democratic Candidates Refuse to Say Whether Men Can Get Pregnant, or Define the Word ‘Woman’

FOX: Several Democrats who are seeking election or re-election in states around the country refused to provide a definition for the word “woman” or offer their thoughts on whether men have the capacity to become pregnant.

Fox News Digital reached out to multiple Democratic candidates about the topics and received no responses from the campaigns of Sens. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev., Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., and Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and Senate nominees John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, Tim Ryan of Ohio, and Cheri Beasley of North Carolina.

Ahead of the midterm elections, and amid the debate on whether abortion should be protected federally, several individuals, including members of the media, have started defending the contentious notion that men have the ability to get pregnant and have abortions. more here

6 Comments on Top Senate Democratic Candidates Refuse to Say Whether Men Can Get Pregnant, or Define the Word ‘Woman’

  1. Worthless leaders afraid of words and shadows, promoted by democrat fools 24/7. Dam those words hurt, going take allot of stitches and bandages, to cover that pronoun. America is now a joke.

  2. I honestly believe that God has given a spirit of insanity to all those who have reprobate minds and actually believe all the politically correct nonsense that the left spouts about everything not being what God intended it to be but always assuming the opposite is true. Without God people will believe anything and everything that the left tells them is true.


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