Top U.S. pharmacies charging $200+ a shot for new Covid “vaccines” – IOTW Report

Top U.S. pharmacies charging $200+ a shot for new Covid “vaccines”

The Dossier: Today, we called a variety of major American pharmacies to see what the cost of a new Covid “vaccine” would be without insurance.

For those with health insurance coverage, the shots cost next to nothing or nothing at all. However, the story is very different for the mRNA loyalists who remain uninsured.

After the FDA approved their new mRNA shots, Pfizer set the list price at $120 per dose, while Moderna said their price came out to $129 per dose.

Sure, it’s absolutely insane that people are still getting injected with the mRNA Pharma sauce, but we wanted to know how much they’re being billed to make themselves sick with the hopes to fend off the Wuhan sniffles.

Here’s the numbers that major American pharmacies gave us when we called and asked what the cost of the new vaccine would come out to without insurance. more here

22 Comments on Top U.S. pharmacies charging $200+ a shot for new Covid “vaccines”

  1. For $1.00 I will give you a shot of ‘listen up asshole’, that will give you all you will ever need to know about following the whims of liberal dipshits.

    Money back guarantee.

  2. On a side note…. I started a new job yesterday at our local VA nursing home. Guess what I don’t need to worry about?

    Getting boosters. Us orientees were voicing concerns filling out medical and religious exemptions and providing copies of our cards, and we were told it’s no longer a going concern.

    While I am relieved, it does make me fearful for what next wave of bullshit mandates they’ve invested in to walk away from COVID. It’s always something.

  3. “… we were told it’s no longer a going concern.”
    That’s mighty white of em.

    But it may be a “concern” at some later date?

    Our lives should not be subject to the whims of some maggots in government.
    (but then I’m old-fashioned)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The multiply jabbed Governor of Ohio, who was all over the telly claiming the vaxxx was “sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe”…has the Coof.

    Probably setting up for another shutdown since he’s a RINO who used it LAST time to violate election laws and defy the State Supreme Court to swing the Dem primary in his buddy Pedo’s favor, but if a Communist traitor like him were capable of shame he should at LEAST be ashamed about shilling it on the “EfFeCTiVe” part…

    …but this screws up a meeting he was supposed to chair on redistricting Ohio for all elections.

    …you don’t suppose whoever takes his place will favor Democrats, do ya?

  5. RadioMattM Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 22:32 at 10:32 pm

    Can I deduct the $200 I am saving the government from my taxes?

    I believe since I didn’t get the jabs or the 75+ boosters at the tune of thousands of dollars, I wasn’t hospitalized saving thousands, and no doctor visits. Give me an additional $200 and we’ll call it good. Oh, and no treatments for stiff man disease, or the latest AIDS from the jab. Just think how much we nonjabbers saved our fellow man. We even had celebrities telling us that they wish they were like us nonjabbers, we have no worries like they do.

  6. Wild Bill WEDNESDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2023, 0:17 AT 12:17 AM
    “I’m surprised they gave you a price without insurance, they usually hem and haw and give you a bunch of excuses.”

    …true dat. My insurance company refuses to pay for a specific procedure that a specialist says could avoid needing a transplant for my wife because they exclude ALL such procedures to avoid paying for cosmetic ones (although her surgeon’s office is always full of women who got theirs with Obamacare taxes), but the hospital absolutely will NOT quote it for cash at ALL, say its too complicated to even consider.

    This is something President Trump tried to get done in the waning days of his Presidency.

    No surprise, the Democrats got in the way and threw it out.

    Because if there’s ONE thing a Democrat can’t stand, its transparency of ANY kind.
    akes it hard to keep the lies going, the peasants oweing, and the cash flowing…


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