Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking – IOTW Report

Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking

Grab some popcorn! The internal fighting begins:

Reuters: The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.

While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA’s analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.

The position of the ODNI, which oversees the 17 agency-strong U.S. intelligence community, could give Trump fresh ammunition to dispute the CIA assessment, which he rejected as “ridiculous” in weekend remarks, and press his assertion that no evidence implicates Russia in the cyber attacks.

Trump’s rejection of the CIA’s judgment marks the latest in a string of disputes over Russia’s international conduct that have erupted between the president-elect and the intelligence community he will soon command.

An ODNI spokesman declined to comment on the issue.

“ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can’t prove intent,” said one of the three U.S. officials. “Of course they can’t, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, whose evidentiary standards require it to make cases that can stand up in court, declined to accept the CIA’s analysis – a deductive assessment of the available intelligence – for the same reason, the three officials said.

The ODNI, headed by James Clapper, was established after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the recommendation of the commission that investigated the attacks. The commission, which identified major intelligence failures, recommended the office’s creation to improve coordination among U.S. intelligence agencies.  more

13 Comments on Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking

  1. So the CIA is saying Putin wanted Americans to have secure borders, strong military, low taxes and a strong economy just like it did under Reagan when the USSR collapsed?

    Who knew Putin was such an admirer of our Constitution?

  2. Obama gave money to influence the Israel elections. The Clinton’s allowed advanced military technology to end up in the hands of China in exchange for campaign money. The murdered Ted Kennedy sought the assistance of the USSR to defeat Reagan in 1984. John Kerry worked to indirectly help the Viet Cong win the Vietnam war and make Nixon look bad. Democrats have a long history of working with enemies of the country to influence politics here. They should try looking in a mirror sometime.

    Also agree with PageO’Turner 100%. Putin had his way with Obummer, he would have his way with Hillary too. So why go to the the trouble to elect a guy who will stand up to you? Doesn’t make sense. The only reason I think Putin came out and said he admired Trump during the campaign was to help the Democrats. Have the average American who fears Russia become terrified that Putin admires Trump, thus vote for Hillary.

    Also still don’t hear anybody complaining from the left about who illegally gave the NY Times Trump’s old tax returns and then publishing their content without his permission.

  3. Russia probably practiced their hacking techniques by starting with a private server in someone’s bathroom. Imagine their surprise when it turned out that server had state secrets on it.

    Cyber warfare is a fact of life. If Hillary had won, the Democrats would have done what they always do when faced with embarrassing conduct – buried it – and this would have led to further foreign hacking.

  4. Here’s my understanding:

    The “article” in the birdcage liner that everyone is going on about doesn’t even cite an actual CIA statement, it’s 3rd hand information and ACTUALLY says they don’t have any proof of Russian hacking.

    It isn’t even the CIA that is doing this, it’s a small obama/HRC owned faction within the CIA and they are just making noise.

    So, given that, the talking heads can say that “OMG the CIA sez Russian Hackerz!”

    That’s why the FBI and now this guy in TFA are saying “uhhhhh hold on, that’s not true”

  5. “Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking”

    What CIA assessment? Where is it? All we have is a “report” quoting an “anonymous source at the CIA”, i.e. “fake news”. See Paul Joseph Watson, above.

  6. I believe this is a manufactured false flag by Obama//Clinton/Faction of rogues within the CIA to seize power and keep Trump from being installed as the 45th POTUS. Their last hope of a coup d’etat. They are priming the pump of RINOS and Democrats in both houses to reject the EC votes for Trump on January 6th. The FBI has called in all agents, cancelled leaves, and is partnering with the US Military Intelligence/insurgency control units. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and John McStain are ringleaders, along with Pelosi and Reid. Not sure if Reid will be there then, since he has retired. Have any of you seen this as well?

  7. None of these agencies are trust worthy.

    James Clapper Director of Nat. intelligence lied about spying on American citizens: .

    The CIA lied to Americans denying flight TWA800 was taken down by a missile fired from American soil. .

    The Demon-Rats believe it’s ok to lie about what caused the deaths of a plane full of innocent people to influence an election. IF it helps them win reelection. Bill Clinton won his second term

    The same m.o. was used sixteen years later by Obama &. Hillary approaching Obama’s second election (setting the stage for Hillary’s first election) they lied about what caused the deaths in the Benghazi attacks of a US Ambassador & several security support personnel. Advanced the lie that Muslim terrorists organizations were collapsing. Influencing an election.

    The Demon-Rats are all in favor of big events influencing elections, just not in favor of leaked emails revealing their true character that might influence an election.
    But when it happens – lie about the source – to damage their political opponent.

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