Top White House official retweets post calling inflation, supply chain issues ‘high class problems’ – IOTW Report

Top White House official retweets post calling inflation, supply chain issues ‘high class problems’


Ronald Klain, the White House chief of staff, was criticized online late Wednesday after he retweeted a post from a Harvard professor that summed up our top economic issues as “high class problems.”

Jason Furman, Harvard’s Aetna professor of the practice of economic policy, said the country would not be faced with these issues if the unemployment rate was still 10%, an apparent reference to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell’s comments early this year when he said the unemployment rate in January was around that number.

Furman said if that unemployment rate was still a reality, the country would have “had a much worse problem.”

Conservatives on social media took issue with Klain’s retweet, claiming that he was, in effect, downplaying the hardships that some Americans are experiencing.  more

10 Comments on Top White House official retweets post calling inflation, supply chain issues ‘high class problems’

  1. BRAD

    As I’ve said many times Jo is both dumb and dishonest.
    I linked vids of dumb Jo and GWB’s BFFs (1) “BORKING” “lame duck” Ronny’s Bork. One of Dr, Friedman’S Chicago Boys (an Economist like Ronny) made dumb, rich Jo look like the moron he was. Dr. Sowell.

    Ronny correctly pointed out many times between 1947 and 1980 , inflation hurts the Deplorable Chumps ( my words) far more than their “betters”. Thanks to Bob Dole and Chained CPI it is true again today. (2)

    If worker manages to get his pay raised as much as inflation he actually still falls behind. Because his higher pay gets taxed at a higher marginal rate; so his REAL pay is much less. Which is why the rich generally favor “progressive” tax rates: Roosevelts and Kennedys of 60 years ago; Buffet, Gates, and Kochs today.

    Ronny hating GWB’s BFFs were led by my pal (NOT!) “snarling” Arlen. If these 7 leftist “Bush Republicans” had not given cover to the moderate Dems Bork would have won!

    (2). Ronny’s tax reform, among other things, adjusted both the tax rates and the deductions by the CPI. “Chained CPI” By law the actuaries at labor figure inflation each month with the weights that will produce the lowest inflation. Frequently under stating real inflation by 80%/

    eg. Real inflation is 5%, Chained CPI is only 1%!

  2. 16 weeks delay for HVAC rooftops from Lennox according to my Former Sales rep.

    So a furnace & AC are now High Class Items like the first TV in the neighbourhood in the 1950’s

    But Low fat soy latte’s are essential Eh?

  3. Remember “Funemployment?”

    Get ready for the journos explaining how the supply chain glitch is a godsend, and how we need to get back to the true meaning of Christmas, without all of that consumerist, gifty stuff, because homeless, Marxist Jesus frowns on that.l stuff.

    And “How to deal with your angry, Trumpy, gift-deprived parents at Xmas dinner”.

  4. Jarhead

    I have been trying to explain to the MORONS that their raises do not help against the backdrop of higher Food, Gas, Electricity, Car prices and Tax bracket creep.

    Furthermore, some benefits get entirely removed when you earn more than $xx,xxx depending on Provinces up here.

  5. let’s kill a couple of birds here with the supply chain situation

    now that a lot of people are aware of all these container ships sitting offshore waiting to dock, it’d be a good time to expose how human trafficking is done with these container ships


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