Topless Protestor Jumps Vatican Fence, Tries to Steal Baby Jesus From Navity Scene Before Being Tackled By Police.
After the Holy holiday, the Presepio (Nativity Scene) remains displayed in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican.
In the days following Christmas, the Catholic Church honors the Holy Innocents along with St. John the Apostle and St. Stephen, the first martyr.
On Friday, a topless activist from the “feminist” group Femen rushed the display in an attempt to steal the statue of baby Jesus before being tackled by Italian police.
The woman is apparently a pro-Ukraine protestor. more here
Reminds me of the Cheech and Chong skit about the pope….
Let her try that crap at a mosque. Then the title would read,
“Woman’s head falls over fence.”
It shouldn’t have been that difficult. Just grab her by the nipple rings and lead her away!
They need a fencier fence with spikier spikes.
If they want to grab Muslim Jeebus, they are welcome to it. The Pope made it a blasphemy.
…Next up, “pope” trades Christmas for Eid al-Fitr…
The funniest thing about the antics of batshit femtards is that they think their actions are “dismantling” the patriarchy, but, in reality, their actions reinforce why men must be in charge of things more; not less.
“The woman is apparently a pro-Ukraine protestor.”
…of course she is.
Im only surprised she wasnt wearing a Coof mask…
I look down upon topless protesters.
“ The protest was staged, the Femen group explained in a statement, to urge action against Russia…”
Well, there is nothing stopping these “femen” from going to Ukraine and putting on a uniform, grabbing a gun, and going into battle. But as long as it’s men doing the fighting and dying, I guess they are OK with war.
…I was hoping for another angle on the video to see his tackling technique, as I’ve seen this sort of thing before but in a VERY different context.
There was a very large and very amorous woman who wanted to set up a romantic evening for her man one day, and to that end after sending away the children she over-candled the area of her bathtub/bathroom in the vicinity of some unsurprisingly flammable plastic curtains, questing for a romantic ambiance but ending warming much more than her barbequed beau’s heart. I’m not sure exactly what the sequence of events was, but one thing apparently led to another, “another” in this case being that the curtain, bathroom, and residence was ignited in quick succession, much to the chagrin of the other 4 families living over and beside her in the four-family house, during which proof was offered that you can’t battle an inferno with a garden hose while you are mostly naked (although I’m not sure clothing was the deal breaker here).
This was my VERY FIRST fire, and during a TORNADO warning too, but the tornado does not come into this picture besides some dumb things I said to the Chief, although I myself come into the picture on FOOT, having locked myself out of the firehouse a few blocks away after changing into my turnouts (the firehouse being empty at the time as I was not prompt in my arrival). This meant I had to hoof it in full turnouts to the scene (easy to find, follow the glow) to the questioning looks of folks on the rather busy road as I had locked my car keys in the firehouse as well.
So you see how much use I’M going to be here.
…because I was basically probationary baggage at this point and the fire had gotten a good jump thanks to the freelance naked firefighting on the part of the home renter, I was left in the staging area on a verge of grass on the 4 lane roadway before the house until things were under control sufficiently to let schlubs like me in for some learning and clean-up, where somewhere behind me, unbeknownst to me, the lady of the house was sitting in relative peace with a blanket wrapped around her ample assets as neither her top nor her bra was as fortunate as she had been to make it out in time. Then some inciting incident happened, maybe something someone said, maybe just a stray thought, which caused this generously proportioned woman to stand up, yell “MY BABIES! MY BABIES!”, then abandoning all caution and, unfortunately, her blanket to the winds, she pelted pell-mell towards the actively flaming portal of her erstwhile residence in vain pursuit of children which, as I had established above, had long since been verified to be ensconced at a neighbors in another building, having been thankfully vacated with regard for the planned adult activity that had led to the unplanned adult activity that took precedence that evening.
At that point in my training and stationing I had neither angle nor nerve to stop her, but happily this being a staging area a REAL firefighter was between her and the house, having just doffed his air after a trip inside. He reacted swiftly and surely, grabbing her from behind as she ran by, which did halt her momentum by dint of his heavily gloved hands grabbing across and beneath her oversized endowments. I’m not sure if it was the tackle or the shock that stopped her, but they went down in a heap as many others ran over there to constrain her, assuring her that her children were fine and imploring her to return to a family-friendly fireground by veiling her glory with the now somewhat soiled sheet once again.
The fire was put out with most of the structure, sans roof and the incident apartment intact, the family was reunited under the auspices of a Red Cross that hadn’t learned to be woke yet, the tornado went to play somewhere else, and I got to see my first melted lightbulb and the handle of a shovel before being driven back to the firehouse by someone who had NOT locked their keys inside, after which much fun was made of my epic walk that was actually entered into the official OFIRs report along with all the more serious information.
So all was well that ended well.
…this being the late ’80’s nothing was made out of this, not by the bystanders nor the queen of the castle herself, which was good as it would be hard even now to make the case that a guy stopping a charging naked woman from burning to death while wearing full turnouts including heavy leathern gloves was in any way actively trying to cop a feel, but that was then and this was now; so I wonder, if the officer approached from the same angle and took the same sort of tackle opportunity from behind that simple body mechanics says would be the MOST efficient way to stop her, when he inevitably encountered the less-than-funbags on the feminist in question, will THIS result in her screaming rape to the heavens represented by the Michealangelo masterworks
in the vicinity?
…I guess we’ll see, and very soon…
Sure. I get it. Stealing Baby Jesus from the Vatican will result in Ukraine winning the war against Russia.
But one is not enough. 47 million Ukes ought to travel to the Vatican and do the same thing. That’ll cinch it. There is strength in numbers.
…. now jump your ass in the kitchen and make me a sammich.
How were her Cans?
Toxic femininity!
Toxic femininity is far worse than toxic masculinity. Men don’t have periods, thank goodness unless you’re a fake womyn and can have periods.
…typical Democrat chick tho, always in a hurry to destroy a baby in the service of Satan…
…here she is…
“16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”
-Proverbs 6:16-19
SNS – The tragedy of this mess is that that Keffiyeh was placed in Baby Jesus’ Manger by Christians from Bethlehem. There’s another earlier thread by MJA about the muzzes attacking Christians at a Church in Bethlehem.
Having my doubts about this group that calls itself “femen” . Are they men on female hormones?
The same stunt was tried 7 years ago, except that instead of Russia the target was the patriarchy;
“Catholics who confess their sins during this time receive absolution, freeing them from eternal or spiritual punishment.”
Catholics sure do beleive some whacky shit.
“Father, I confess that I have been repeatedly molested my girlfriendd’s 10 year old daughter.”
“No worries, you are now free from eternal punishment, have a ball”.
Sunday, 29 December 2024, 14:26 at 2:26 pm
“SNS – The tragedy of this mess is that that Keffiyeh was placed in Baby Jesus’ Manger by Christians from Bethlehem.”
…there are self-hating Jews.
Are these self-hating Catholics?
Or Muslim posers?
SNS – All I know about anyone living in the Middle East is that that head covering is worn by Christians and muzzes. Heck , some of our own troops who had to spend time in the sandboxes like Iraq and Kuwait wore them too . It was for face and eye protection and not a political statement.
Bingo. What most peeps don’t realize is the sand in the big sand box is a super fine particulate. It’s like a powder. But still abrasive as hell. When the wind howls any exposed skin gets bead blasted. When our military is active over there the demand for replacement parts sky rockets.
The lack of pictures in the accompanying story is disappointing, to say the least.
That’s odd, I find that when it comes to topless women, I am frequently looking UP to them … IF yaknowaddamean
Sunday, 29 December 2024, 15:26 at 3:26 pm
“Bingo. What most peeps don’t realize is the sand in the big sand box is a super fine particulate. It’s like a powder. But still abrasive as hell. When the wind howls any exposed skin gets bead blasted. When our military is active over there the demand for replacement parts sky rockets.”
…I know it well even though Ive never been there and never will be, for similar reasons as yours. There were many years of MRE demand for that very reason, as that environment was not compatable with field kitchens and steam tables. Seems the troops kept the bags very close to their mouths as they shoveled it in.
In war, it seems, fortune passes everywhere.
…and I do not doubt that head coverings are quite popular there, but I would expect the “Palestinian” pattern to be as exclusive to a small group as a Levite robe or a Scot’s clan tartan, and not in general use as not everyone would want to identify with in in a part of the world so steeped in symbolism that the way that Yassir Arafat folded his was a matter of international interest for its signal value.
…in any case, whatever a “Palestinian” may be today, Im fairly confident that the infant Incarnation of the God of Abraham wasnt one, and being as His complete failure to use terrorism and murder of innocents to achieve His goals should be manifest to anyone who’s ever cracked a Bible, you would think a man who styles himself the Vicar of Christ would KNOW that and so not befoul a Nativity scene with a symbol of blood-soaked anti-Christian hatred, but nope, here we are, making political statements in the crèche of the One Man with ZERO interest in earthly politics, thanks to a bouncer named Bergaglio…
This reminds me of an incident where a deranged chick tried to tackle Pope Benedict VI. But Big Ben managed to drag her all the way to front pew before going down. But then the refs flagged the chick 15 yards for Mass Interference and awarded him the altar
But that was Bad Ben 6th for ya. He never went down on first contact. That’s why they called him the Papal Bull
Callmelennie – I remember that incident -good call !!
Gasp!! A topless woman at the Vatican!
Good thing this Pope is gay.