Tough Guy Fallon: Take to the streets!!! – IOTW Report

Tough Guy Fallon: Take to the streets!!!

Patriot Retort: Say, remember when Team Clinton claimed that not accepting the results of an election is a threat to democracy?

Good times, no?

Well, clearly nobody from Team Clinton remembers it given the fact that they’ve spent nearly two years not accepting the results of the 2016 election.

Yesterday, phony tough guy and former Clinton campaign spox Brian Fallon tweeted a call to arms (without the arms of course) because the Senate Republicans weren’t being scared into doing what he and his fellow ResistanceLOL fighters want.


I don’t know about you. But I’m shaking in my boots.

One thing’s for sure, the streets of Wisconsin will remain safe.

Don’t you love when pudgy soy boys like Brian Fallon talk tough?

He’s about as threatening as Barney Fife.  MORE

12 Comments on Tough Guy Fallon: Take to the streets!!!

  1. We have a road here, but I checked anyway
    no sign of him

    oh, I get it- it is sort of like Santa Claus, isn’t it.
    We are so lucky Trump won. Actually, we won, and Trump got hired.

  2. Do you suppose this damp toad has ever thrown or taken a punch? I’m 77. I’d be happy to help him learn. We could meet near the L&C County/Helena
    (Nolackaloonies), MT, Library at a time and day of his choosing. I will bring my cane but only use it if it is truly necessary.


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