Tourism drying up in Paris, France – IOTW Report

Tourism drying up in Paris, France

PatriotRetort: This is going to be a real shocker, I know.

But Paris is hemorrhaging tourism cash big league.

I know!

What a shocker!!

According to Breitbart France’s Committee on Regional Tourism is reporting that in 2016 Paris suffered a loss of 1.3 billion Euros in tourist income.


Random terrorist attacks and routine violence from Islamists has that effect.

I mean. Just look at the tourism trade in Iraq.

Not good!

I visited Paris in 1999. For the longest time, if anyone asked me, “is there anywhere you’d live if you couldn’t live in America,” I would have answered Paris.

Yeah. Not anymore.  read more here

128 Comments on Tourism drying up in Paris, France

  1. The French might want to consider setting up a trophy hunting infrastructure to lure in international hunters to cull Parisian wildlife and keep the numbers down to a manageable level. They could get advice from South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, etc.

  2. A while ago, a friend of mine went home to Holland thinking he may retire there. He was supposed to be gone a month but could only stand it for 10 days. Why? Muslims. The Euros have gone insane by letting in all the terrorist and loafers- and this was even before the whole sudden invasion thing.

  3. It’s so hard to believe what is happening all over Europe and in the UK. I spent a lot of time all over Europe, particularly Holland, France and Germany — from the Harlem to Garmisch, the Alps to the Louvre — and it makes me weep that I will probably never go back to see all the beautiful sights and dine on the superb foods there. It’s a real shame what has happened in so short a time. Americans, especially, are in real danger all over Europe.

  4. I’ve decided to start selling almost all the things I have bought from BFH over the last decade. Nothing he has signed with his real name will ever be sold. As BFH himself put it in a hand written letter to me, it is paraFURnalia.

    I will keep 40% BFH will get 40% and the rest will get donated to a conservative organization of BFH’s choice, with my agreement.

    I will start with a small token. It is a wooden key fob. On the front is a Molon Labe mask, and on the back is the letters: FOBFH.

    Next up, if this sale goes as intended, will be a Molon Labe 2014 wooden cigar box.

    Contact BFH for pictures of these items.

  5. Menderman, the he’ll it is. We’ve all been through thick and thin together. Keep this up and I’ll track your ass down and make you take me fishing. Sometimes you need to back up a couple steps. And right now you need to do just that. You are a very valued part of this place.

  6. No I am not. I was banned. Have you ever been banned from this site? BFH did not even give me a heads up about banning me or a heads up about unbanning me.

    I have bigger fish to fry, and I need to rid myself of the iOTWr distraction in order to move on. The sooner I get rid of what is distracting me the better. I thought I was being extra special nice letting BFH get 40%….was that wrong?

  7. I have a whistle in Memory of Keith Sullivan, 1968-2014, Seaman.
    “I knew a man who went to sea
    And left the shore behind him.
    I knew a man, that man was me,
    And now I cannot find him.”

  8. What the hell Menderman, you need to hold on to that stuff, one day BFH is going to be a famous Patriot/Artist and you are getting rid of that at the wrong time. Plus, I’ve learned it’s a mistake to throw away a bunch of memories because you’re in a bad mood. Your mood will change, life is good.

  9. Sorry Menderman, I’ve been so caught up thinking Dianny banned me and worrying about Milo mocking my beloved brother who was molested when he was about 13, and wondering if my dad really did call a taxi for the scum bag who, BTW, was never seen again….

    I didn’t notice there was anything unusual going on around here.

    There was good news today that Trump made bathrooms great again and now it looks like you’re having a moving sale?

    It’s none on my business, but I’ll take your truck if you’re giving stuff away. 😉

  10. @Zonga,

    BFH banned me, no secret

    @Uncle Al,

    The fact that BFH banned me (and johns for no reason) on a whim says a lot.


    You are special to my heart. You let me win the American Spring even tho you had the cash to win. I cannot send you the original because BFH signed his real name to it for me, but I will be glad to get you a full sized print made. Just let me know.

  11. The best smashed sammitch I’ve ever had wasn’t
    even in France. It was in Rome, darn that was good!!
    Eurabia is upon the world. There’s nobody that will
    clean that mess up, they brought it upon themselves

  12. Wait, Menderman, I’ll take the boat too! But you have to give me a ride in it first.

    I think BFH banned me once or at least wanted to the first time I posted here. It wasn’t bigly, I was just sayin’ Sara Palin’s political career was over the minute she quit her job in Alaska and went all Hollywood. An now look, we got a reality TV show host…

  13. Have you seen the video of the Paris streets lined with mattresses for all the Muzzie refuge men to sleep on every night? Much of Paris is no-go now. A real shame because I wanted to take the wife there after retirement. Now – not so much.

  14. OK cut the bullshit.
    Menderman was banned for trashing this site with a post in the bullpen. IN THE BULLPEN. Hello???
    Tacky as fuck.
    He was let back in, but, If he wants to leave? Bye.

  15. Y’all can confirm with BFH for why Menderman was banned. Could be that, could be for another reason, could be for all the thread jacking drama queening.I don’t know, I don’t give a fuck. The point is, get the fuck off my thread or stay and show Dianny some respect for her article.
    Please and thank you.
    Good night.

  16. Menderman, you know and I know in the long run BFH has a unique thing going on here. My advise is give it a couple days. You got my email, feel free. But you can read the above comments, this place wouldn’t be the same with out you.

  17. My family, as I have mentioned here, are all in various places in Germany.
    They had a long weekend and decided to assemble, picked Prague.
    Turns out, Prague was packed. The wife asked the hotel concierge why.
    The answer was simple, to get away from the Muslims. Czech Republic, Hungary, are safe, historic and cheap.
    Pretty funny, the cheap seats have become the destination of choice.

  18. This is ridiculous.
    NOW after 3 months you’re worried about being put in detention?

    I told you 100 times during the lead-up to the election that I did not care for the incessant NeverTrump point of view.
    It was a distraction and it was not at all productive because Trump needed to be elected and Hillary defeated. PERIOD.
    How many times did I have to ask you, as a friend, to stop disrupting the site?
    At the breaking point I said I was not allowing your comments until after the election.

    The country is now better off without the Clintons, the left, the SJWs, the entire arsenal NOT being in charge.

    It seems that my point of view sickens you to the point that you cannot look at my artwork.
    That puts me in quite rarified air.
    I must be a monster.
    Donate the stuff to wherever Hitler’s phone went.

    I haven’t changed.

    You have.

    Do what you want.
    I’m not participating in your ritual cleansing.

  19. OK, it looks like BFH just surrendered his 40% and I will have to look for a new place to sell his fantastic art work. Maybe I will put his work in detention for awhile until I figure out how to help others as I shed myself of what I own. I was really hoping he would help me because I know his readers and followers love his work. If anybody here has a charity that is in need of funds, just let me know, I have some artwork to donate.

  20. See, crazy white cracker, I help my friends. That’s why I an selling all my BFH stuff to his most loyal fans. and MJA attacks me for doing so?????

    I don’t get it..>>

    It’s textbook passive aggression.

    Saying “you help your friends,” (as opposed to those rat finks out there that hurt me.)

    Saying I have “fans,” when you know that is not the dynamic of this site whatsoever, and it never will be.
    We all have friends here and everyone is important. Fans is a stupid characterization.

    MJA is attacking you because she has seen the impact of your actions and how much time is consumed by it and it pisses her off.
    She’s heard me say on many occasions that I do not have time for this bullshit and the site suffers because of it.
    She’s simply being a mother hen, of sorts.

  21. I never knew anybody even read the bullpen – well, I mean, I can only speak for the stories I’ve posted. They always look like fresh snow – no tracks.

    So Dianny, I have a friend who escaped from East Germany to the American sector, this was before the wall. My friend was a young woman in those days, and grew up in the Good side of Germany. She married an American but always went back to see her relatives. She is quite old now. Last year I asked her about the trip and the family. She said her sister was sick but then she just shook her head and teared up a little and said, with her voice cracking, “Germany is ruined, it’s finished”.

    One of my fondest memories was the time I went from Bucharest to Rome on the train. I was taking the bus somewhere in Rome and a very young and handsome man dressed like a priest offered to show me the sights. (That was during my young and beautiful life stage) I had a bad feeling about that but before I could answer six (6) British young and handsome sailors stepped up and asked me if I wanted to see the catacombs and the Pope. I never regretted going with the sailors, saw the sights, a bunch of fun lads, gentlemen too. They helped me up when I fell into the gutter on the Via Veneto, I really shouldn’t have tried to keep up when we decided to do that pub crawl. So I’m sure I could never make that trip alone again today, no woman could safely do that these days. Muzz, that’s why Europe can’t have nice things anymore.

    So, I tried to find Menderman’s Bullpen post but got distracted by the TSP post. I wonder if it’s still there.

  22. BFH, Menderman, god damnit, you are all my pals. And I fully take advantage of being the ass hole of this place I absolutely take my pals serious as a heart attack. Get this shit settled. And Menderman leaving is not an option.

  23. No, Menderman didn’t make a Bullpen post. That was Meerkat.
    That post crossed the line. Meerkat used a platform that allowed readers to responsibly post without editors.
    I had to respond. Meerkat was blocked. We talked offline and Meerkat was back within days.
    I talk to him all the time offline, he comments and everything is beautiful.

    Menderman made disparaging remarks in the comments, which is his right. He’s making them now, saying the site has changed, implying that there’s nothing wrong with him, what’s wrong is the site.

  24. Before I posted the first thing tonight, I read your hand written letters to me.

    We used to be friends…

    How would you like me to deal with “your” stuff?

    Sell it to your readers or burn it?

    Why don’t you shove it up your rarefied ass then pound sand.

  25. Menderman, I really used to like you. Your posts here were entertaining. I grieved along with you when your brother died, because I lost both my brothers and knew how you were feeling. You seemed to change after Keith died. I’m sorry for what you’ve been through, but that’s no reason to take it out on everyone else. Take care of yourself.

  26. Menderman, I know down deep that you love iOTW and BFH and the family here. You would very much regret selling, destroying or giving away BFH’s artwork that you own. Talk to Fur privately and respect this post for Dianny’s hard work and thought she put into it. You have lots of friends here who want to help you behind the scenes. I remember the posts Fur had of your brother and the heartfelt feelings toward you we all felt. Lots of us have family members that we have lost and we can relate. I hope you feel better in the morning.

  27. Is he gonna off himself or something? WTF? All this drama is beginning to sound like one of those stories about some guy making a complete ass of himself while he was drunk and the proprietor told him to leave. After things cooled down, the guy is back but still butt-hurt that he was asked to leave and blaming all of his former friends for not stopping him from doing something stupid and humiliating while drunk in the first place. Is he just drunk again?

  28. Menderman, I’m with Snowball, LadyGun12, and Tuesday. Grief can have an impact on us that we don’t even realize while it is happening. Don’t do anything right now while you are upset. I guarantee you if you start selling of Fur’s art – you will be very, very sorry down the road, not just because it’s great art, but because I think you consider Fur a friend. You perceive he hurt you, or let you down somehow, but that’s just the grief talking. Take care.

  29. We have no desire to visit France or any of the newly invaded European countries. I’ve already been to the Middle East five times and it stunk five times. If France doesn’t stink yet, it will.

  30. Now. Where was I? Oh yes! Dianny’s topic at hand. Back in high school we were all planning to take a class trip to Paris. It was gonna be the trip of a lifetime! But then some Muslim terrorists hijacked a 747. I’ll never forget being in that informal meeting and out of the concern for the safety for all involved the trip of a lifetime was cancelled. Thanks Abu.

  31. Bad brad
    I realize you believe that you were the one who discovered iOTW.

    But years before you made your grand discovery, many of us were already here. Including LadyGun12 and Snowball the Sourpuss.

    Sometimes you’re an okay guy.

    But sometimes you behave like you’re the official Hall Monitor of the Comments Section.

    For old-timers like us, that’s all manner of funny.

    Dare I say, it makes you look like the idiot.

  32. I appreciate this site, but I wish it had liberals to argue with. How else are we supposed to help them? I welcome offensive, opposing points of view. I am disappointed that freedom to engage may not be welcome here, of all places! Come on now.

    By the way, my father escaped France shortly after WWII where he lived in occupied territory. He came to America legally where both of his sons served honorably in the US military. I will never leave America. Everything I need or want is right here.

  33. Wake up, stupid white people, and get some backbone and (guys) a pair and protect your countries. Your forefathers would you beat you senseless for being such a bunch of brain-dead pussies and wimps. Stop immigration and send home the invaders. Is it your country, or theirs?

  34. Good gravy.
    I log in and see all this bullshit.
    Menderman, you’re being an attention-seeking drama queen.
    If you want to leave, just do it already.
    Give your stuff away, or burn it. It’s yours.
    I’m sure BFH doesn’t GAF one way or the other.
    And frankly, I’m tired of your head games.
    Grow the fuck up !!

  35. @Buck Turgidson February 23, 2017 at 8:32 am

    > Stop immigration and send home the invaders. Is it your country, or theirs?

    Neither. And until they are willing to accept a plan, or three, for actual action against those whose country it actually is, they might as well continue napping. Even when that means dying in their sleep.

  36. I’m so sorry Menderman, lots of peeps are acting like there is an IOTWR seniority rule. Sad.

    Why don’t you post a Menderman thread in the Bullpen? I never noticed your crimes against IOTWR and I’ve been here what seems like years and years, though I expect I’ll be reprimanded for presuming to be a long term participant. There is real ownership of threads here and hijacking is a felony. House rules.

    So Dianny, I think we all know western Europe is screwed, probably beyond repair. The break-up of the EU is just what the doctor ordered because EU countries with socialist leaders at the time, surrendered their borders and unique ethnic mores and folk ways. Europeans were forced to jump on the concentration camp globalist train.

    If Trump and his supporters, that would include us, do not reverse the damage our own globalist pigs imposed on our country we might as well join the surrender monkeys. American exceptionalism will be dead and beyond resuscitation.

    So ask yourselves,what have you done to take our country back other than voting for Trump?

  37. I was in Paris (the most beautiful city I have ever seen) around 1995. As I got near the Eiffel Tower, there were some moose limb women in burqas with there kids sitting around. I asked why. I was told they were begging and that sometimes they purposely maim themselves and their children to get sympathy and get more money that way. Sad. They could have been so much more productive with full lives and out of the Cult of Death. Still, I can’t forget how lovely Paris looked and I could even overlook the unfriendly waiters because some were so kind. It’s a mixed bag over there.

  38. I consider myself very fortunate. While in the AF, I gathered many wonderful things from across Europe — made in the country at the time. I once carefully carried a Villeroy and Boche soup tureen from Germany (before China started making it for them)back to Seattle via several lay overs along the way. I absolutely loved going to the various Christmas markets, especially in Bavarian towns. I’ve attended Christmas services in Amsterdam and in a small German town I can’t remember where, anymore. The sights, the sounds, the picturesque castles with their sparkly dusting of sugary snow. So beautiful and memorable. I’ve been down the Rein with stops to see famous vineyards to drink ice wine and eaten sauerbraten and drank garlic schnapps at trails end deep in the Black Forest, and attended a birthday party on a live-aboard barge in a Holland port. I’ve skied the Alps, got my picture taken with a Paris gendarme, wandered the halls where Antoinette ate cake and Treaty of Versailles was signed. So many fond memories and pictures of newly made friends — so easy to do when traveling alone.

    I can’t imagine ever having the opportunity to go there again unless there was a dramatic and swift change back to the old days of European travel. It really is too sad.

  39. -Navigator:
    There is no registration to comment and do not delete or ban comments.
    Lefties will not engage here because we have the brightest, wittiest and unrelenting
    pig-pilers when they try.
    They used to come a lot more often, they’ve given up. They stay in safe spaces that they can control.
    They love to say “you’re blocked!” That’s their go-to move. They can’t do that here.

  40. As far as longtime readers are concerned, there is no level of status achieved or tenure achieved that guarantees, or grants, special rights to anyone.
    A reader could show up tomorrow and be a “regular” and “beloved” in a matter of weeks.

    But obviously there is a special place in my heart for the people who have been here from the beginning, and it would take an awful lot for that relationship to be damaged.

    CFM, Lady Gun, JC Lady, Snowball, Rieuxcat, Tim, Cakes, RightWingFeather, Doc, Papa Doc, Conservative Cowgirl, Merry Poppet, Boobie, Horrorman, Webonot, Cracker Annie, Groucho Marxist, Nightowl, Tamminator, and yes, MENDERMAN.

    I have to stop now because someone is going to say, “heyyyyyy, what about me?” and they will be right. Obviously I know all the year one veterans and I could list them all, but it’s not the point.

    The point is, Menderman seems to think that we are at an irreparable impasse at this point.
    That’s in his mind, not mine.

    There is no “damage” done in my mind.
    He can show up tomorrow and just pick up where he left off and it’s water under the bridge as far as I’m concerned.

    Obviously he feels differently, like I owe him an apology.
    I don’t.
    I did nothing wrong.
    His forced hiatus was for the good of the site as I saw it, and I would do it again if I went back in time.

    It has nothing to do with how I feel about him, it was how a felt about the site.
    Someone has to be the coordinator, be in charge, flick off the lights and have the custodian keys on the belt.
    That’s me. That’s my responsibility. And enough people emailed me and asked that threads not be hijacked with anti-Trump material given Trump was our nominee.
    I agreed.
    I warned for weeks, so much so that it was making me look like a weak sister.

    Like I said, I’d do it again, but Menderman is still my friend.
    I’d be there for him in a pinch if I was able.

    What else can I say or do??

  41. OK here’s my thing about all of this.
    For whatever reason. Suicidal, drama queening, angry, whatever your problem is.
    What in the hell does anything overdramatic Menderman said have to do with this particular story about Paris?
    Hm? what? Yeah, that’s right. Not a fucking thing.
    Did anyone smell alcohol on his texts?

    Plop down some of your own money and start your own blog to bitch about imaginary enemies. Don’t use this blog as a diary or a psych ward.
    * * * We at iotwReport are not mental health professionals * * *

    If y’all have some unfinished bidness, do it on your own time over the phone, go to Starbucks, or hell, go to Chuck E Cheese’s – They’re used to people fighting in there.

    Do not come in here dragging your self-made cross asking for other people to nail you on it.

    Thank you.

  42. Oh yeah, last time I was in Europe (1990s) I was hoping to do a quick trip to Paris or Nice but never got the chance. The second choice was Egypt for the Pyramids, etc. But, I wasn’t insane. lol.
    I did check out a lot of the artifact (Ancient Egypt) in the Greek museums, so there’s that, I guess.
    Even if France were able to extract a lot of these good for nothing mussies, will Paris still look like Paris?

  43. @Abigail – I did much the same when I was in the Army years ago. I had hopes of going back some day to travel around some more and revisit favorite places, and have my favorite dish – Jaeger Schnitzel – again. Doesn’t look like that will ever happen now.

  44. y’know BFH, I need to send you a little cash. I haven’t shown my appreciation in a long time. And MJA and Doc Tar and well honestly, I don’t always look to see who posted the thread. You have a really funny, informative, fun, group of people here. It’s somewhat like a family, shut-ins, the crazy aunt who lives in the attic, some bickering, put downs, squabbles, runaways, mean drunks, funny drunks, night owls, insomniacs, lonely too — well I’m not going to make you puke. Watch your mail box. Cash is always best right?


  45. It’s everything like a family. But you forgot the “reclusive uncle”.

    I’m gonna start commenting more. Reach out to the new family members I’ve not yet met. And reacquaint with the old.

  46. Frosteetoes, Good the see you! I’ve never seen such a comprehensive look at Soros. It’s not just that he’s a self-hating Jew he hates the world and he wants to blow up it up. This report on Soros should be on the front page.

    Snowball! Good to see you!

  47. I like off-seasons. We took the ferry from Dover to Calais (long before The Jungle) and drove down the coast. It was misting at sunset when we stopped at the cemetery in Normandy and listened to taps. We both cried.

    We spent the night at small inn in Avranche. (I “talked” French and my husband “listened” French and translated for me. We were a team. ….smile…) On Sunday morning we drove to Mont Saint-Michel as the shopkeepers were sweeping the cobblestones.

    Paris was, ah, Paris! We stayed in a walk-up across from the Notre Dame Cathedral and walked and walked and walked the city. ….plus eating and drinking. A young man slid out on a fifth story ledge in the building beside us threatening to jump because his girlfriend left, but friends talked him back inside.

    I suspect that love made it all even more beautiful than it was, even then, but, now, I would never go back.

    Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse, banned me long long ago because I attempted to explain to his denizens that all women were not supposed to be mothers (never mind *good* mothers), choice was important, and the idea of forcing a walking talking human being to be transformed into nothing more than a damn incubator is insulting. Ban’s never been lifted.

    I adore Sundance, very very smart man and, thus, I just read, never write. This gives me more time to bake muffins and iron my aprons. ….Lady in Red

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