Tourists shun Castro’s Cuba like a bad smell – IOTW Report

Tourists shun Castro’s Cuba like a bad smell

American Thinker:

To hear Ben Rhodes, the mastermind of President Obama’s opening to the Cuban regime, tell it, Americans are just pining to go to Cuba. Nothing must top feeling like Beyonce dancing away the night on the Malecon in quaint old Havana.

The facts on the ground tell a different story.

As Rhodes touts trips to Cuba’s communist military dictatorship as somehow something in the line of ‘freedom’ in his new ‘narrative, airline carriers are fleeing the island hellhole, for one and tourists are bailing out.


17 Comments on Tourists shun Castro’s Cuba like a bad smell

  1. Ben Rhodes is a con man and asshole, also complicit in the Iran deal, and we know how that worked out.

    Sure Ben, I have Cuba high on my bucket list of shitholes to visit. You first.

  2. Love it. Arizona neighbor, Paul the commie, wasn’t there last time. He was taking a two week vacation to Cuba. He’s an old bitter, radical leftist teacher from Portland. Drives people nuts with his constant yammering about the evils of capitalism and the wonders of communism. Can hardly wait to taunt him about his vacation.

  3. You can’t get me out of this country anymore. I used to be game. No more.

    Incidentally, if you are traveling north/south on i95 this summer on a Saturday, this will be worth your time.
    Reenactments at Hanover Courthouse (circa 1730) at 9:30 and 11. Ben Franklin, major John Andres, Patrick Henry’s oldest daughter, A bunch of great stuff. They do a great job with costumes and historical education.

    8 miles from i95 You can grab lunch across the street at historic Hanover Tavern if you like.

    Get your patriotism on and stretch your legs on your way to wherever.

  4. How to avoid the wasted time and expense of trips to Cuba. Drive around your city until you find the construction project. Find an outhouse, open the door, takes two very deep breaths. You have just enjoyed a mini vacation to Havana. Take all the money you saved and buy something nice for yourself.

  5. Did you know that Patrick Henry’s wife went
    Insane after the birth of their 6th child and was put in a quakers dress, an euphemism for a straight jacket?
    Elder daughter was put in charge of her care

    John Andres was a British major who conspired with Benedict Arnold and was executed.

    Parsons cause foundation is really expanding their repertoire this season. The guy who plays Henry is outstanding.

    OK. That’s all on this.

  6. I might have mentioned this before, but a friend of mine took his family and some other adult friends to Cuba this last winter. He was all excited and couldn’t stop talking about all the improvements they were going to see and they were planning to talk to any person walking down the street to see just how much they loved living there.

    They got back on a Friday and I expected to get a call and an invite to their house to look at all the wonderful pictures and hear all the wonderful stories about the noble Cubans they encountered.

    I have seen him several times socially since they got back but – not ONE word of the trip. I smile inside thinking that he is so embarrassed that he must be hoping we all forgot about it. What a liberal.

  7. A girl in my nursing class thought it’d be a great idea to vacation in Cuba over Christmas break. While in the nursing program we’re not supposed to leave the country. She lied about it, got caught, and booted out of the program.

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