Town in UK celebrates diversity by installing permanent anti-terror attack bollards – IOTW Report

Town in UK celebrates diversity by installing permanent anti-terror attack bollards

Jihad Watch:

Jihad attacks provoke “Islamophobia,” you see, so these bollards will help Britons, Muslim and non-Muslim, march together into the glorious multicultural future.

The focus is, as always, more on accustoming people to a permanent state of siege than to dealing with the root causes of jihad terror.

No official in Chester recommended any work to understand the effects of Islam’s jihad doctrine on the Muslim community. No one there seems to be pondering why these vehicular attacks happen in the first place.

Why not?

Because that in itself would be “Islamophobic.” In this war, understand the enemy has been stigmatized as “bigotry.” more here

3 Comments on Town in UK celebrates diversity by installing permanent anti-terror attack bollards

  1. “The New Normal”

    I keep hearing this Phrase about the Wuhan Flu…. In Local Ads

    as well as National….Just like Blast Windows surrounding the

    Eiffel Tower….”Relax, It’s the New Normal”

  2. muslims should call the opotamus-t**t in filth-adelphia who got plexiglass in convenience stores outlawed – too hard for her constituents & relatives to assault, rob, steal etc.


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