Traditional Stone-Pelting Battle Leaves 77 People Injured in Just 7 Minutes – IOTW Report

Traditional Stone-Pelting Battle Leaves 77 People Injured in Just 7 Minutes

Oddity Central :

Every year, hundreds of people from India’s Uttarakhand state engage in Bagwal, a brutal stone-pelting battle that often leaves dozens with severe injuries that require medical attention.

Bagwal literally means “fight with stones”, so it’s a pretty fitting name for a celebration that’s all about hurling big stones at the opposing side. Four clans gather in the Champawat district of Uttarakhand to take part in the unique event, despite the danger of getting seriously injured by the stones flying through the air. In fact, bloody wounds are the whole point of Bagwal as legend has it that the Hindu deity Barahi struck a deal with humans to rid them of demon invaders in exchange for a sacrifice in the form of blood. more

17 Comments on Traditional Stone-Pelting Battle Leaves 77 People Injured in Just 7 Minutes

  1. A story I heard a while back when visiting in Burnaby Canada is that during WWII the men from China Town and Japantown would like up on a street at noon every day and throw rocks at each other for 15 minutes or so, then clean everything up and go home.

  2. Is it even possible for me to get to be more isolationist?

    The US left the third world behind to entertain/slaughter/abuse/bully each other 230 +/- years ago.

    Now the democrats have kicked open the door and said C’mon in.

    I feel like hurling rocks at democrats, like they do to us.

    Of course, I have lost my 97mph fastball over the years.

    This has been the most disgusting week ever. And it’s all the fault of democrats.


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