Trail Running Pike’s Peak With God – IOTW Report

Trail Running Pike’s Peak With God

[…] Crouching next to that cold and wet rock, with my head bowed, I cried out to the Lord. “Father!” I said, “I’ve got nothing, here! I want to again see the girl who is waiting for me in the Springs! And I was just kind of beginning to enjoy the life you’ve given me up in these mountains!” I felt fainter and then, what most frightened me, I felt like I wasn’t cold anymore. Instead, I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep. I was exhausted and just wanted to rest. That right there is the predecessor to the closing grip of the bony death fingers of hypothermia. And in my lethargy I again cried out to the Lord. “Father, what can I do?!”  – Story here

6 Comments on Trail Running Pike’s Peak With God

  1. Miracles do happen – big and small….even when you don’t see God’s tiny seed until after the fruit appears.

    I’ve been on both sides, a receiver and a giver.
    As awesome as being the recipient is, the most rewarding is blessing others.

  2. Great story from one of the most beautiful places on earth. i was exhausted just driving up Pikes Peak; can’t imagine running up it, even during my running days!

  3. TY MJA for tuning us to that story. It refreshed my memory of some of the many times God, Mom and the angels saved me from harm and often times from my own stupidity.


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