“Train to Nowhere”: Trump admin strips $930 Million From California – IOTW Report

“Train to Nowhere”: Trump admin strips $930 Million From California

DC: The Trump administration will terminate its agreement with California to fund the state’s struggling high-speed rail project, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) said Thursday.

In a letter to state officials, Administrator Ronald Batory said FRA would deobligate the $928.6 million set aside for the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) under a 2010 agreement. The agency will also continue to examine recouping the $2.5 billion in stimulus funds already spent on the rail program, according to a copy of Batory’s letter obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“FRA finds that CHSRA has repeatedly failed to comply with the terms of the FY10 Agreement and has failed to make reasonable progress on the Project,” FRA said in an emailed statement.

“Additionally, California has abandoned its original vision of a high-speed passenger rail service connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles, which was essential to its applications for FRA grant funding,” the agency said.

The decision to withdraw federal rail funding is likely to heighten tensions between the Trump administration and California. more

17 Comments on “Train to Nowhere”: Trump admin strips $930 Million From California

  1. “heighten tensions between the Trump administration and California” is that possible?? California is a rogue state that is set on leaving America piece by piece. “Mexico ver 2” comes to mind.

  2. “The agency will also continue to examine recouping the $2.5 billion in stimulus funds already spent on the rail program”

    That should be accomplished by not giving CA another Federal dollar until the funds are recouped.

  3. I’ve looked at some sketches from the 1800’s of railroads, and what they’ve done with our tax money doesn’t look like a railroad, so it is OK to go ahead and abort this project. It isn’t a railroad that is being aborted- it hasn’t evolved that far yet.

  4. You can’t do that. That money is gavin newsomes and came right out of his wallet. You stole it from him.
    We need a war on politicians and the sooner the better.

  5. @perry May 17, 2019 at 11:05 am

    > California is a rogue state that is set on leaving America piece by piece

    California has no intention of leaving it’s resources behind!

  6. Think I have wondered about this “high speed” train is this: as soon as some homeless person or illegal alien or spotted owl got hurt by the high speed train, the speed would be reduced to make it safer. But it would be no better than anything that exists now.


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