“Traitor!” Mitt Romney Heckled at Airport – IOTW Report

“Traitor!” Mitt Romney Heckled at Airport

RINO Senator Mitt Romney was confronted by Utah patriots en route to DC on Tuesday, ahead of the Stop the Steal protests.

WATCH: Romney Boards Flight to DC FILLED With Patriots Who Chanted β€˜Traitor’ and Grilled Him About Ties to Biden

21 Comments on “Traitor!” Mitt Romney Heckled at Airport

  1. Stupid ass ignorant lying SOB, there are no laws to wear masks, just orders that are not law or constitutional. The only thing is the airport can not allow you to fly without one, still doesn’t make it a law.

    He was a big wimp though trying to stutter his way through and then running away. He’s probably going to have to go take a bath in his magical underwear, because it sure looked liked he done shit them.

  2. If I may be so bold and sound like my own mother when it comes to politics…


    Okay. Done channeling my mom…for now. LOL!

  3. As much as I hate to make this comment, I will. People do not understand that the congressmen and senators are NOT elected to vote the WAY WE TELL them to. Instead, we elect them because we think/expect them to vote the way we would want them to. There’s a big difference. We are a REPRESENTATIVE Republic. We expect our congress people to represent our views and opinions.

    If it turns out that we elect someone who turned out to be a liar and a fraud, well then, we vote them out of office when they come up for re-election.

    Mittens is not beholden to his voters. He’s free to vote his conscience. The onus is on the constituents to vote him out of office at the next possible opportunity, if he does not vote as they thought he would.

  4. Narcissist “Mittens” Romney aka Pierre Delecto enjoys attention, even if it’s negative.
    He more than likely would be reluctant to leave the plane, no matter what was shouted at him.
    What a maroon among morons.

  5. A Senator is expected to use his best judgement while acting according to wishes of his constituents . He is not paid to tell his constituents to fuck off by his actions.

  6. Stirrin, it’s real hard to vote them out when they control the outcomes. What should have never happened was the 17th amendment.

    Regardless, the old rules no longer apply, we’re about to lose our country and we’re at war whether some want to believe it or not.


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