Tranny Tory Accuses Colleague of Hate Crime For ‘Misgendering’ Him – IOTW Report

Tranny Tory Accuses Colleague of Hate Crime For ‘Misgendering’ Him

Breitbart London: A Bolton councillor who transitioned from male to female ten years ago has complained to the police and Bolton Council after a fellow councillor used the pronoun “he” to refer to him.

Zoe Kirk-Robinson accused the town’s former mayor Guy Harkin of “misgendering” him repeatedly as part of a “personal attack” during a recent council meeting. Despite Cllr Harkin’s protestations that he had used the pronoun only as an accidental “slip”, Greater Manchester Police are understood to be taking the allegation very seriously and treating it as a hate crime.  MORE

zoe manbrows

SNIP: Dude! Come here a minute…

pink tweezers

15 Comments on Tranny Tory Accuses Colleague of Hate Crime For ‘Misgendering’ Him

  1. My personal policy is that gender is biology. I REFUSE to use the feminine pronouns on any male-to-female freak unless it’s had a lopadickoffme. Anyone who doesn’t dig this, feel perfectly free to kiss my fat, gender-normative ass.

    Of course, that’s only in my personal life. At work I have to follow my employer’s policy of allowing litigants to gender-self-determine. Luckily I don’t have to deal with this problem (yes I said problem; again, please feel perfectly free to kiss……) very often. I work in a jurisdiction where gender roles are well defined: the women get beaten and the men do the beating IYKWIM.

  2. So a guy thinks he’s a she and another guy forgets to think he’s a she because he really isn’t a she, but we’re supposed to play along, and this makes a hate crime–got it.

  3. TO gfy
    Even if the man had a “dick-ectomy”, he’s STILL a (mutilated) MAN.

    TO FishOABicycle
    And that’s EXACTLY the goal/objective of such perverted laws…

  4. “FREAK!”

    England’s lost. Turn out the lights. Lock the door. Let the izlamic savages handle this asshole’s mental problems.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The first Law of being a adult is not to worry about what people call you
    The present fad of taking a Mental illness and turning it into a cause is a social experiment perpetrated by the same fuckers trying to undermine everything American.
    There’s also a mental illness out there where the afflicted believe they are made out of glass and will break if they bang into anything.
    Where’s their hashtag?
    Where are the calls to ban all sharp edges and hard surfaces?

  6. I would normally be inclined to pity mentally deranged delusional individuals, but these freaks are so damned obnoxious that it is impossible to feel anything other than disgust and contempt.

  7. In the UK, when Sharia Law finishes the overthrow of Constitutional Monarchy and rules Britain, this bitch will be losing that ugly head faster than you can say Allahsnackbar!

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