Trans track star sexually harassed female opponent – IOTW Report

Trans track star sexually harassed female opponent


Middle school girls’ track in West Virginia has been embroiled in controversy. Now a lawsuit alleges that a trans competitor, one who was born a boy but now claims to be a girl, has been sexually harassing his/her female opponents, making crude and sexual comments. Things that would get her/him run out of school if they had been said by a boy who still claims to be a boy. more

16 Comments on Trans track star sexually harassed female opponent

  1. It’s all going as planned – destabilization of our once great nation.

    I just cannot fathom the purported support of sexual deviants. Maybe because those in control are one in the same? Are all liberal wackjobs this psychotic?

    I suppose, the more I think about it, the more I cringe.

    May God help us all – by whatever means necessary in His eyes.

  2. Maybe this demented pile of shit can be elected President of the US someday. Pretty much similar to the demented pile of shit currently sitting in the Oval Office.

  3. Some of those girls must know how to fight, they should gang up on the asshole. Give him a few good shots to the kidneys, no marks but he’ll piss blood for a couple of days.

  4. There aught to be a requirement that if someone is gonna call themselves “Transgender” in order to play in women’s sports, they must present their twig and berries in a jar of formaldehyde, signed, certified and notarized by the doctor performing the surgery. No more of this Shania Twain “I feel like a woman” shit!
    Ya gotta be all in… the jar!

  5. @TonyR
    Or a younger brother. My son was a freshman in high school when a senior made a disparaging remark about my daughter who was also a senior. My son gave the senior boy an opportunity to apologize but the idiot refused. My son knocked him down with a leg sweep and told him to stay on the ground or he would put him again. He stayed on the ground. FYI: My son had been wrestling since the second grade and 3 of his HS years he was on state champion wrestling team.


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