Transgender alleged Oath Keeper charged in Capitol riot was left naked in cell, lawyers claim – IOTW Report

Transgender alleged Oath Keeper charged in Capitol riot was left naked in cell, lawyers claim

Attorneys for a transgender woman charged in connection with the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol say that their client voted for Barack Obama, and has been mistreated in jail, according to a weekend court filing.

“Ms. Watkins was left naked in a cell with lights on 24 hours a day for 4 days in full view of everyone else,” lawyers for Jessica Watkins wrote in the Saturday filing.

The claims were among several cited late Saturday by lawyers who asked a judge to release Watkins to home detention in care of her fiance. 

Watkins was charged last month along with two others, Thomas Caldwell and Donovan Crowl, in an alleged conspiracy involving disorderly conduct and other violations connected to the Jan. 6 breach. In court filings, the Justice Department alleged that Watkins belongs to the Oath Keepers group, many of whose members have also been charged for their alleged part in the Capitol melee. more

20 Comments on Transgender alleged Oath Keeper charged in Capitol riot was left naked in cell, lawyers claim

  1. “While some of the rhetoric she allegedly engaged in is troubling, she fell prey to the false and inflammatory claims of the former president, his supporters, and the right wing media,”

    That’s what happens when you hire progressive attorneys.

  2. Ooooo; she’s a member of Oath keepers, and the Southern Poverty Law Center says oath keepers is a radical, right-wing extremist group, probably white supremacist, so she must be guilty! Hang her!

  3. OT: has anyone figured out how to block the annoying “Hide your Ass” pop-up at the bottom of the screen on iOS? Takes up 1/3 of the screen and makes typing text not so much fun.

  4. “Attorneys for a transgender woman …. ”

    It’s not a woman, it’s a female impersonator.

    And most likely a homosexual as well.

    Calling these people women and females, etc., just recognizes their claims as legitimate and concedes any arguments about it to them.

  5. If the allegations are true, there will be a substantial financial settlement for the blatant and cruel deprivation of civil rights. Good. I hope the perpetrators pay out of their own pockets.

  6. “the jail employees responsible for this particular person, should all burn in hell.”

    Well,,,,,at least they’ll enjoy the cool round of drinks I ordered for them as they burn.

    Honestly J, this has been standard jail procedure since the time of Rome. No one gets preferential treatment. It’s a system. Like a machine. The people caught in the system get sorted, folded, mangled and then sent before a judge who determines if they need more time in the system or if the system has sufficiently broken them into compliant, interchangeable parts.

    Meanwhile the hhHArmy Ranger program has been set back 400 years.

    Kidz today.


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