Transgender illegal alien SJW of color asks US to ‘gofundme’ – IOTW Report

Transgender illegal alien SJW of color asks US to ‘gofundme’

AmericanThinker: Catalina Velasquez is an illegal alien from Colombia who also says he is a woman.  Catalina claims that if he is deported to his native Colombia, he will be killed for pretending to be a woman.

There are 47 million people in Colombia.  All 47 million know what he looks like and  are sworn to kill him.  Colombia is over 440,000 square miles in size.  Catalina knows that if he sets foot in any of those 440,000 square miles, there will always be one of those 47 million people who have sworn to kill him just waiting for him.  Therefore, he says he is entitled to stay in America.

That’s also why Catalina went to to ask for $2,800 to pay for legal fees in case he is deported.  So far, Catalina has raised about $2,600 for his efforts.

The WaPo story on this featured a very girly photo of Catalina.  But I found a much better one where he seems to be growing a moustache.


18 Comments on Transgender illegal alien SJW of color asks US to ‘gofundme’

  1. The only upside is probably his inability to get pregnant and throw off a Democrat anchor baby. Deporting this one is going to be a big, hand wringing, human rights circus. This is what twenty years of ignoring the immigration laws creates.

  2. So in 13 years it could figure out how to dress as a woman but couldn’t figure out how to apply for citizenship?

    There is a reason illegals do not become citizens, it costs them money.

  3. The people who will gofund this creep are the same virtue-signalling creeps who won’t put 50 cents in a red kettle or donate a bag of groceries to a fellow American citizen at Christmas time. Puke.

  4. Why not have it move in with the obamas? or the Schumers? or the Clintons? or the Gutierrez’s? How about some of these hypocrite SJW step up and put their spare rooms where their mouth is?

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