Transgender Muslim Sues Ex for Return of Refrigerated Balls – IOTW Report

Transgender Muslim Sues Ex for Return of Refrigerated Balls

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: A Michigan man who identifies as both transgender and Muslim has filed a legal claim against her ex-boyfriend demanding the return of his amputated testicles which she says are being kept in a jar in the refrigerator. Brianna Kingsley, 40, filed the claim against William Wojciechowski, 37, in Pontiac’s 50th District Court last week. more

25 Comments on Transgender Muslim Sues Ex for Return of Refrigerated Balls

  1. “Transgender people are more than just the butt of the jokes you make, the ones you let slide unopposed; we are an increasingly endangered species broaching the brink of extinction, hunted for sport in front of your very eyes,”

    I sure hope this is true. 🤣

  2. I just found out from my oldest daughter that one of my nephews in his early 20’s is becoming a tranny. I just don’t understand why he would do this, his dad, my brother-in-law was the black sheep of my wife’s family, he’s been married 3 times and is a total idiot, but this is still beyond the pale. My son has told his cousin to stay the hell away from him and his 3 young kids in no uncertain terms and I can’t blame him.

  3. A Michigan MAN who identifies as both transgender and Muslim has filed a legal claim against HER ex-boyfriend….. come on, referred as both male and female in the same sentence. STUPID

  4. Thank you for posting this article. I haven’t been to, “Diogenes’ Middle Finger,” for some time, so there were over a dozen Monday Morning dirty pictures that I had not seen.

  5. OK.
    I KNOW that they’re both mentally-ill perverts, but for the life of me I can’t imagine why either one of them would want shorn, refrigerated testicles!
    Did the one queer get them as part of the settlement?
    Or was there no settlement?
    Can the other pervert prove that they’re his?
    If he insists he’s an izlamic slut, how can he claim that they belong to [her]?

    Yeah, keep it in Michigan.
    Has Michael Moore weighed in on this?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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