Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication – IOTW Report

Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication

GP: Lois Cardinal, a 35-year-old indigenous transgender woman, is currently engaged in a bitter confrontation with Canada’s healthcare system after it denied his request for assisted suicide, Daily Mail reported.

Cardinal cites ongoing and severe pain from a complication related to a vaginoplasty procedure he underwent in 2009 as his reason for seeking a medically assisted death.

“In 2009, I was rushed into having SRS before I was ready. Resulting in immediate regret and sterilization,” Cardinal said.

Cardinal lives on a native reserve near St. Paul, Alberta, and shared his medical records on social media this week, as an attempt to bring attention to the shortcomings of Canada’s healthcare policies around both euthanasia and gender affirmation surgeries. MORE

22 Comments on Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication

  1. No, sorry, the government will let him suffer because he is going against the accepted narrative (in other words, he wants to commit suicide AFTER undergoing gender-related health care).

  2. What’s the purpose of “indigenous” in his descriptors other than as a sop to identity wokesters?

    I would prefer a multi (times 10) million dollar judgment from the hospital and doctor that mutilated him, spent on therapy and pain medication. His life has value, he just needs help finding it.

  3. From the Helen Joyce interview:

    JOYCE: “Something you may not have thought of is that there are a lot of people who can’t move on from this. And that’s the people who have transitioned their own children. So those people are going to be like the Japanese soldiers who were on Pacific islands and didn’t know the war was over. They’ve got to fight forever. This is another reason why this is the worst, worst, worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced.

    “A lot of people have done what is the worst thing you could do, which is to harm their children irrevocably, because of it. Those people will have to believe that they did the right thing for the rest of their lives, for their own sanity, and for their own self-respect. So they’ll still be fighting, and each one of those people destroys entire organizations and entire friendship groups.

    “Like, I’ve lost count of the number of times that somebody has said to me of a specific organization that has been turned upside down on this, “Oh, the deputy director has a trans child.” Or, oh, the journalist on that paper who does special investigations has a trans child. Or whatever. The entire organization gets paralyzed by that one person. And it may not even be widely known at that organization that they have a trans child. But it will come out, people will have sort of said quietly, and now you can’t talk truth in front of that person, and you know you can’t, because what you’re saying is: “You as a parent have done a truly, like, a human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child that can not be fixed.

    “There are specific individuals who are actively against women’s rights here and it is not known why they are, but I happen to know through the back channels that it is because they’ve transed their child.

    “So those people will do anything for the entire rest of their lives to destroy me and people like me because people like me are standing in reproach to them. I don’t want to be, I’m not talking directly to them, and I don’t spend my time bitching to them.

    “But the fact is that just simply by saying we will never accept natural males in women’s spaces, well it is their son that we’re talking about. And they’ve told their son that he can get himself sterilized and destroy his own basic sexual function and women will accept him as a woman. And if we don’t, there’s no way back for them and that child.

    “They’ve sold their child a bill of goods that they can’t deliver on.

    “And I’m the one that has to be bullied to try to force me to deliver on it.

    “So those people are going to be the people who will keep this bloody movement going, I’m sorry to say, because they’ve everything to lose, and it is a fight to the death as far as they are concerned.”

    Joyce argues that because of what they’ve done to their children, there is no way back for them. As GK Chesterton said many years ago, “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they become capable of believing in anything.”

    And those who participate in these tortures are desperate to rationalize their behavior. They are perfectly modern. And in their pride, they fashion themselves as their own gods. They strike out at all who dare say otherwise and continue striking because they must. All they leave behind is chaos and pain.

  4. Wow, there’s a shocker. Someone who hated themselves so much that they literally altered their bodies. Vegas odds makers, who saw that one coming?

    Anyways, what strikes me as odd is the fact that there’s a problem with all of this. It brings to mind “The Buffalo Theory”, incorrectly attributed to Cliff Clavin (he never uttered these words in an episode of Cheers). Goes like this:

    “Well you see, Norm, it’s like this . . . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.

    In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.”

    By that logic, should we not be encouraging this behavior? And, to borrow from the left’s bag of tricks…”Do it for the greater good”.

    Life is the most important thing here. Those that have a problem with the reality they are dealt should be given more access to these services. Life as an entity will then be able to thrive without the trivial bullshit that tends to drag it down.

    Just my opinion, though.

  5. In this case, stupid is very painful. Redd Foxx always said it looked like a hatchet wound. If you’re not born with one, let it go and leave the hatchet alone. Beaver Cleaver is a TV character, not a surgical tool.

  6. Why does he need to be assisted to kill himself? Millions do it on their own – some leave a suicide note and some just disappear. He’s pretty well screwed at this point. Two BIL’s, same wife killed themselves, they had no assistance.

  7. Kcir – watching in “THE” Canuckistan at 4:45 pm

    There are Plenty of Railway Crossings in Alberta.

    NO!!! They will pull the engineer off the train and make him pee in a bottle, then an inquiry on and on. My son ran over a guys head, he didn’t know it until his boss stopped him 5 miles down the track. Went through the hoops with peeing in a bottle. Guy killed himself. It makes a bad day for the engineer. Suicide isn’t pleasant.

  8. I don’t understand the problem. She’s unhappy with her body. So, why not get another gender-affirming surgery? Switch back. It’s all very scientific and medical. Snip, snip, stitch, stitch. Presto, back to being a perfectly normal 100% male human!

  9. Dumbass queer jumped the gun on the mutilation and wants to follow up with suicide? What part of ‘light in the loafers’ is missing here?

    Give it the shot just to watch it change its mind at the last second. Then give it back to its family to bury.

  10. gotta agree with Walter.
    his removal of his sexual organs didn’t cure his original mental illness. He’s still mentally ill. Obviously.
    Some people call that being nuts.
    I’ll be polite and just say he is mentally ill.

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