Transgender TikTok user accuses baby of being transphobic – IOTW Report

Transgender TikTok user accuses baby of being transphobic

In a viral video that has spread across Twitter, a transgender TikTok user accuses a baby of being transphobic, even causing the baby to cry at one point.

16 Comments on Transgender TikTok user accuses baby of being transphobic

  1. It’s as though these so-called “transgendered” people consider themselves so utterly failed as their real selves, they think giving a shot at being the opposite sex will guarantee acceptance and never again being laughed at, teased, or insulted for who they are, because to do so is considered a “hate crime.” See, participation trophies do not help kids have high self-esteem. Just the opposite; and it makes them even more grasping as adults. I mean, what ARE their accomplishments and contributions to the world other than parade their delusions about their own sex?

  2. When my kids were babies and they cried I always thought it was a loaded diaper, hunger, or sleepy. When I acted on one of those three things and the baby stopped crying, that to me at the time, before I was educated, was affirmation that I was correct. Now that I’ve been educated by “them” it’s clear that my babies were acting on their transphobia. What they really needed was a proper education from me about not being afraid of trannies. Well shit, if I had known that I would have brought out the dry erase board and sketched up some information about not being afraid of trannies until the crying stopped. Fuck, all that money wasted on diapers and food goddamnit.

  3. I give up. Is that thing a dude pretending to be a chick or a chick pretending to be a dude? Whatever it is, it shouldn’t be allowed around children as mentally disturbed as it is.


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