Transgender wrestler booed in Texas final – IOTW Report

Transgender wrestler booed in Texas final MACK Beggs just bagged the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound (49kg) division wrestling competition for the second time.

But as the 18-year-old rolled out of a possible pinfall to avoid defeat and win the prestigious title, the reaction from the crowd was hostile. Footage from the scene shows boos ringing out shortly after the final whistle blows.

This is because the undefeated wrestler has been dogged by controversy ever since he began transitioning from female to male and taking a low-dose of testosterone.  MORE HERE

23 Comments on Transgender wrestler booed in Texas final

  1. From ancient Olympia’s glorious days, sports were the noble alternative to War: vigorous competition, victory with honor or it meant nothing.

    When the miscreants obliterate the reason for sports, all we’ll have left is War.

  2. Apply the “gender-neutral” rule against performance-enhancing drugs to everyone, OR do away with male-female divisions in sports altogether.

    OR just set up a third category for open-gender sports — to be funded “equally” under Title 9. (This category will become dominated by males, but it could not be assailed as “unfair” by the gender delusionists, and it might serve to fix a few things, such as the depletion of funding in certain sports — such as wrestling — that boys like.)

  3. If this girl competed against boys, she would lose faster than a hairlip in a beauty pageant.

    That’s why she sticks with the girls. All the testosterone in the world won’t change the fact that she is a girl and therefore physically incapable of competing against boys.

  4. “he began transitioning from female to male”

    #1 that cannot happen no matter what drugs she takes.
    #2 quit calling a girl with no penis a he, she is a she.
    #3 there are rules about taking hormones in scholastic sports, was she ever drug tested for eligibility ?

    who is more in need of help this girl who thinks he can become a boy or the people who are calling her a boy or using the pronoun he instead of she ?

    “this is not how any of this works”

  5. Two things baffle me here:
    – Why have women just allowed the Obama administration to foist all this transgender crap on their sports?
    – Why can someone take steroids due to gender bending, and become a hero, but the next person can take similar products and is labeled a cheater and banned for life?

  6. I agree with requiring athletes to compete against members of their biological sex. But this girl, pumped up on testosterone, has an unfair advantage over the other girls. She should not be allowed to compete.

  7. I dunno, this person seems to have played by the rules – as screwy as those rules may be. He/she is trying (and will fail from a biological standpoint) to be a guy after being born a girl and that’s legal. The treatments were disclosed. He/she wanted to wrestle in the boy’s division and was denied permission to do so. Nothing hidden, and nothing underhanded by this person – I disagree with what he/she is trying to do, but I wouldn’t boo him under these circumstances.

  8. The real girls should boycott any matches where this freak is competing. But they’re all probably so indoctrinated with political correctness that they fear a backlash if they did.

  9. Texas allows a person to change the sex on their birth certificate. If this freak really wanted to compete against the boys, she would change her birth certificate. I suspect that the agenda behind this debacle is to allow trannies to compete as whatever sex they feel like. Once that happens, girls sports will cease to exist as they will be dominated by boys running around in dresses.

  10. Every girl should have refused to wrestle with this freak. It wins a worthless trophy. Talent scouts will choose who came in second.

    If you want these publicity whores to go away give them nothing. Don’t play their game. Ridicule them.

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