Transportation Sec. Duffy Immediately Hits Reverse on Fuel Economy Standards – IOTW Report

Transportation Sec. Duffy Immediately Hits Reverse on Fuel Economy Standards

Legal Insurrection

The end of last week was very busy for the team of President Donald J. Trump.

While everyone was focused on the confirmation hearings of Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy was sworn in.

Afterward, he immediately hit reverse on the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.

On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Duffy directed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to begin the process of rolling back updated corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards established by the previous administration. CAFE standards set minimum miles-per-gallon fuel efficiencies for passenger vehicles and fuel consumption standards for certain medium-duty vehicles. more here

12 Comments on Transportation Sec. Duffy Immediately Hits Reverse on Fuel Economy Standards

  1. I really think we need to hit reverse on diesel emissions standards. Diesel engines have become so ridiculously complex and expensive that there are very few vehicles other than heavy duty trucks offered with them. Fuel and DEF adds more expense. Remember the old days when diesel VWs, Volvos, Mercedes, and other cars could get 40-50+ MPG, without fancy electronics or hybrid setups? Talk about reducing consumption and reliance on foreign oil!

  2. I miss carburators and mechanical fuel pumps. Water pumps that were still a pain in the butt until you removed the radiator. I don’t need everything controlled by a TV in the dash.
    I remember rebuilding the top end on my 79 Jimmy sitting on the fenders with the engine in the truck.

  3. DOGE needs to audit every last dime of federal grant funds that States are responsible for managing. In blue states damn near all of that money has been siphoned off and/or diverted to fund bullshit that residents don’t want or need. They stack the grant scoring committees with asshole leftists and then in order for rural counties and cities to have any chance of seeing any of the taxes they pay come back to them must hire leftist “urban planners” who are nothing but Marxist revolutionaries to be able to write a competitive application. That is how they infiltrate the fuckers into local government and push their shit out from Seattle and Olympia to every corner of the State of Washington. It is the same everywhere. It is a scandal and a disgrace and it needs a full and exhaustive investigation and forensic audit. Puget Sound Regional Council is basically a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement and it is even worse. They also are managing federal grants. Audit the bastards, expose them for what they are and shut them down.

  4. I can remember the bad old days back in the 60’s when you had to run from one building to the next in any big city just to get a breath of air, so I certainly don’t want to go through that again. But I think they could safely roll emissions rules back to about 2015 levels and nobody would even notice.

  5. I’m fully in support of the roll-back. Let me get that out of the way first.

    How would you like to try to manage a business that must spend tens of millions of dollars to get a product to market that is at the whims of ideological change by a government every 4 years?

    I have inside information that one of the domestic automakers dropped all R & D on internal combustion engines about 4 years ago. All. Why? Because the government legislated fuel economy standards that could not possibly be met. Do you think that same automaker is now breathing a sigh of relief over this? My guess is that they’re in a panic. Electric cars were a hard sell to begin with and now, the market for them at the snap of a finger, has had the bottom completely drop out of it.

    In the meantime, dealerships were closed that were not willing to make the investment in the changes to their stores in layout, equipment, training, etc. Those that did choose to stay open have spent hundreds of thousands and perhaps much, much more to be able to service and maintain vehicles that will more than likely no longer be produced. In other words, zero return on that investment.

    We have Trump for the next 4 years. We don’t know what’s going to happen after that. We’re one election away from total reversal.

  6. Electric cars are fucking stupid.
    It’s a scam – a SCAM – electric cars won’t save a single barrel of petroleum.

    And I don’t recall seeing “Environment” or “Automobile” in my copy of the Constitution – the Feds have no authority to mandate ANYTHING about the “environment.”
    (no authority – but what they DO HAVE is a monopoly on violence)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The EPA was created by Nixon’s E.O. and it can be eliminated by Trump’s E.O. Eliminate the EPA and all the other agencies created by E.O.s Then start the rebuild. If you wonder why today’s automobiles are so absurd and expensive, look no further than the EPA inventing science by using ideology from the church of big government. Keyless entry for cars, social media messaging integration, auto lane drift control, unreasonable mpg requirements, all plastic exteriors, heated side view mirrors, voice recognition, cvt paddle shifters, LED daylight running lights, automatic rain sensing wipers, gesture control, touchpad controls, wireless charger, touchscreen infotainment system, computerized black boxes that track your driving habits without your permission, automatic turn on and off when at stop sign or stop light etc etc all this unnecessary ‘junk’ makes cars more expensive especially when they are not needed to drive a car. They are just gimmick add-ons to jack up the price. I am not a fan of hybrids either, which wouldn’t exist if not for the church of climate crap and its politicians.

    All the above and more brought to the new car market because of EPA regulations not automotive innovation.

    And what is worse, if you take your car into have it fixed, repaired, maintenance majority of shops definition of a mechanic is one who can read a computer print out because the garage has a diagnostic computer that they want to plug in and diagnose what is wrong. If you have an older car with very little to no computerization the so called garage mechanics are lost.

  8. As suggested above by JPT: If created by EO, then end it by EO.

    There is a very narrow place for environmental regulation. The last 50 years of boobs got all caught up in pseudo-science trappings of ppm measurements (jargon) when grams-per-mile, or grams-per-passenger-mile are more appropriate. Smaller engines typically put out smaller volumes of exhauset gasses per mile.

    It’s why we don’t have diesels and two-stroke car motors.


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