A trapped body in a sewage intake pipe resulted in a backup that caused 14.5 million gallons of raw sewage to leak from Mexico into the United States. Officials say they do not know how the body ended up in the pipe along the Tijuana River and are actively investigating the circumstances of the person’s death. more
…on the plus side, at least we don’t need COURTS to process THIS Mexican sewage…
I would have thought Mexican sewage pips would have been designed large enough to handle a few dead bodies now and then,
…on the other hand, I would fully expect these turds to vote Democrat. You know, birds of a feather….
…I wonder what the guy in the sewage pipe did to make Hillary so angry…
@Anonymous October 19, 2019 at 12:02 pm
> I would have thought Mexican sewage pips would have been designed large enough to handle a few dead bodies now and then,
“Designed” by whom!? They just deported 300 of India’s best and brightest.
That’s about 1000 medium-sized swimming pools of Mexican crap.
Ship the “Mexican detainees” over there and have them clean it up.
As I said, they’re not sending their best.
We have the same thing happen, the only difference here is the democrats clog the lines with fetus’s.
Man, that took a lot of taco’s and refried beans!
It’s not enough Mexico sends us their poorest citizens, now we’re taking their shit too??
“…14.5 million…”
…at first I thought that was this year’s total of illegal voters let into the Country so far…
A sewage INTAKE pipe in the Tijuana River???! So the whole river flows into the sewage treatment plant? Having crossed the bridge over the Tijuana river many years ago, I can believe it.
Where’s our EBT and free housing, gringo?
Instead of TJ’s food making you ill, it’s the sewage creeping into San Diego.
But give ’em a break. I say San Francisco’s sewer is worse- the most disease-ridden thing in the world.
“…something, something…shithole country…something, something…”
as long as we are talking dead bodies and mexico. . . https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/10/18/cartels-in-control-mexican-president-says-they-had-to-release-chapito-guzman-or-else-sinaloa-cartel-would-kill-officials/#more-174051
Well THAT’S a shitty way to go… 💩
Well, obviously the “coyote” he hired can’t be trusted. The whole operation was a crapshoot.
EL HAHAHAHAHAHA HA HAHAHA! Eat caca, stupid gringos!
@Charlie WalksonWater OCTOBER 19, 2019 AT 2:45 PM
Is that the same cartel that has bought all our congressional dems and most of the RINOS?
Let’s hope whoever it was deserved to end their life as a butt plug…