Trash bags of undelivered mail found curbside of Postal Service employee’s Pennsylvania home – IOTW Report

Trash bags of undelivered mail found curbside of Postal Service employee’s Pennsylvania home


U.S. Postal Service agents found undelivered mail this past weekend in trash bags outside of a postal employee’s home in suburban Pittsburgh.

The agents, with the Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General, found the curbside bags Sunday while responding to a report about undelivered mail outside of the home, according to CNN.

The discovery is among several recent, similar ones regarding discarded mail, amid concerns about the integrity of the U.S. mail system,ย as a record number of Americans cast mail-in ballots before Election Day on Nov. 3 more here

18 Comments on Trash bags of undelivered mail found curbside of Postal Service employee’s Pennsylvania home

  1. The Postal Employees Union endorsed Joe Biden. Anyone who casts their vote by mail is crazy. They can open your envelope in the back of the facility, and if it’s for Trump, they can replace it with a Biden ballot. Then they can add you to the list of people who’s ballots are always to be checked.

    Most countries in the world have banned mail-in voting because of the proven record of fraud associated with it.

    Small wonder that the Left has been pushing for mail-in voting.

  2. Postal union average salaries of $45 an hour plus OT & D-OT, hell yes these poor smucks will vote union and democrap for the rest of their short 20 year Goverment career, then 50% retirement plus free family health care afterward? Life as a postal union employee is the golden goose for the chosen few who qualify.

  3. I just saw a wonderful, glowing propaganda commercial for the USPS. As Iโ€™m watching it, I thought to myself about recent stories of postal workers dumping ballots in the garbage and Lo and Behold! the ad segues into voting by mail and how secure and wonderful it is and donโ€™t worry, your ballots safe with us! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ (looked like an expensive ad, too)

  4. Privatize the USPS. A friend served 2 tours Viet Nam, chopper gunner. Shot down a couple times. Got out with chest full of medals. Hired by USPS. Went to College at night, earned valuable degree. Entire career he was passed over for promotions because of quotas, affirmative action. Not one of his superiors had a degree, NONE of them ever served. Time to privatize.

  5. My wife has been trying to get unemployment from the state of Illinois since MAY. It’s all fucked up because they apparently sent a letter she was supposed to accept back in MAY. Well, she never got that letter in the mail. So it’s a big roundabout with forms, backdating, interviews, callbacks, etc. It’s a total mess. She finally got ahold of someone the other day and she’s supposed to finally get another letter in 2 weeks. I’m not holding my breath. It’s as good as in a hefty bag at the curb already.

  6. If they were banned from delivering Junk Mail and shifted to a 3 day one week/2 day second week alternating schedule for neighborhood delivery, you could cut their staff by 60% and have no noticeable effect on service.

    The vehicle feet could also be reduced dramatically.

    In a time where anti-oilers scream about carbon footprints why do they not reduce the impact & pollution from delivering junk mail. My garbage can is right beside my mailbox for a reason.


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