Travelers left the TSA a large tip last year – IOTW Report

Travelers left the TSA a large tip last year

msn money: In the rush to get through airport security checkpoints, it is not uncommon for distracted travelers to leave laptops, cellphones, jewelry and other valuable items in the plastic bins needed to scan their belongings.

As it happens, they also leave behind lots of accumulated cash.

For its fiscal year 2016, the Transportation Security Administration reported that passengers left behind more than $867, 812.39 in coins and currency in the plastic bowls and bins at various U.S. airport checkpoints. That’s about $102,000 more than the amount left behind in 2015, and the more than $484,000 left behind in 2008.  read more

9 Comments on Travelers left the TSA a large tip last year

  1. Reminds me of the time the locals founds a box with what looked like maybe $500,000 in it during a drug house raid. But the police announced they found $125,000. Just sayin’

  2. Yeah, they took my lovely silver .45 Cal Bullet off my key chain, saying it was a “missile.” It had Charlton Heston’s signature. A gift from the NRA. Dirty, low-down, stupid fooken arsewipes.
    Newark Airport, Brain dead phucks.

  3. Ever since I learned about the extra paperwork TSA agents must fill out to document the cash left behind in the bins, I ALWAYS LEAVE SOME CHANGE IN THE BINS! Just think of it as a tip, a**holes.

  4. I don’t leave them shit. I don’t speak to them,
    and I have nothing on me that will light up a metal
    My neighbor is a TSA shift supervisor at the airport
    here. He phucking hates his job SO BAD, but he’s only got
    four years to his government retirement, so he slogs

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