Travis Air Force Base terrorist identified as Muslim Hafiz Kazi – IOTW Report

Travis Air Force Base terrorist identified as Muslim Hafiz Kazi

Geller Report:  Earlier today I wrote: “FBI spokeswoman Gina Swankie and Travis spokesman Airman Christian Conrad declined to elaborate on the matter or identify the driver. Why?”

Now it’s clear why. They wanted to hold off as long as possible on identifying this terrorist as another Muslim, and this as another jihad terror attack. Protecting the image of Islam, not protecting the public, still seems to be the most important priority for all too many American officials.

“Man whose vehicle exploded at Travis AFB identified,” KGO, March 23, 2018:

TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (KGO) — A man who drove into Travis AFB has been identified as 51-year-old Hafiz Kazi, two sources with knowledge of the probe tell ABC News.

The sources described Kazi as a “nomad” and a “vagabond,” who lived in many places.

Authorities extracted a video from his cell phone and are analyzing it to try and see if it could help point to a motive. Sources wouldn’t offer any details about the video.  more here

17 Comments on Travis Air Force Base terrorist identified as Muslim Hafiz Kazi

  1. “Terrorism, mental health issues, and everything else are still on the table as authorities try to uncover a motive.“

    More like ‘try to cover the motive’. I hope guards weren’t injured or killed. NOTHING said about the innocent victims or guards on gate duty.

  2. Authorities extracted a video from his cell phone and are analyzing it to try and see if it could help point to a motive.

    Yes, Authorities, do put your best investigators to work on this right away. We are all holding our breath waiting for you to tell us what you figure out the motive might be.

  3. The sources described Kazi as a “nomad” and a “vagabond,” who lived in many places.

    Kazi had a cell phone loaded with videos and a truck loaded with propane tanks. I guess the standards for “vagabonds” living in America have certainly improved.

  4. Shocking news from the “Religion that Dares Not to be Identified” due to eight years of political correctness. If this religious lunatic had a job somewhere, his tribute to Allah would have probably been referred to as “Workplace Violence.” Good thing he was the product of generations of inbreeding, or he might have harmed someone. When are the people who are in charge of the FBI going to shake off Omohamed’s ridiculous influence?

  5. Just as a reminder, Lasandra Johnson, who crashed her flaming car into a Broward County Sheriff substation, is a Muslim, too. You will not find that tidbit readily available in any news report.

    I’m seeing a new attack method being deployed by lone wolves, with more like it to come. Is law enforcement seeing that?

  6. It’s way past time to teach islamic countries respect. Every attack by a muslim should be responded to by a randomly selected carpet bombing of a muslim-occupied city. The full determination of responsibility is not needed.

    When Medina, Cairo, or Damascus get badly smacked their overseas operatives will be told to desist.

  7. ^^I agree. If you cut off its head a snake will die.
    But the muzzies are no longer isolated in their former shitholes. They are spreading like a plague, spreading infection wherever they settle.
    This epidemic will prove extremely difficult to eradicate.


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