Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees ‘repeatedly’ don’t file federal returns – IOTW Report

Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees ‘repeatedly’ don’t file federal returns

JTN: Tens of thousands of federal employees have “repeatedly” failed to file their federal tax returns, according to a new federal watchdog report.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration flags 42,000 so-called “federal employee non-filers” and states the government is limited in its authority to punish them, according to the Washington Times.

The IRS puts little effort into targeting the non-filers because of laws that restricts how much information the agency can share with other federal agencies, so it has limited ability to prod or punish the employees, the audit found. more

7 Comments on Treasury inspector general audit: 42,000 federal employees ‘repeatedly’ don’t file federal returns

  1. Just fire their asses.

    Withold their salaries, that’ll get their attention. But not filing is not the same thing as not having taxes withheld, so as long as Uncle Sugar is getting his cut not much will happen.


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