Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Wants Half a Trillion Dollars in Unused COVID Funds to be Returned – IOTW Report

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Wants Half a Trillion Dollars in Unused COVID Funds to be Returned

PJM: The Democrats have been pushing for another massive pandemic relief bill since almost before the ink was dry on Trump’s signature on the last relief package. That was approved in March. The CARES Act authorized the appropriation of $2.2 trillion for an individual stimulus, small business loans, aid to hospitals, and various items related to the coronavirus emergency. The bill also gave the federal reserve a cushion by establishing several credit agencies that would have come in handy if we had another credit crunch as we did in 2007.

As it turns out, there’s still $477 billion in unused pandemic relief funds sitting with the federal reserve. And Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wants it back. read nore

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