Treat Kamala like they treated Palin – IOTW Report

Treat Kamala like they treated Palin


Obama said of Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin in 2008, “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

Now Democrats want us to speak no ill of their token female nominee for VP.

Up their Obama where the sun don’t shine.

NBC reported, “As Biden mulls his choice, women’s groups brace for sexist, racist attacks on VP.”

Good. They should. They normalized attacking a female vice president’s sex, family, and race. Payback is a Hillary. more

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss

24 Comments on Treat Kamala like they treated Palin

  1. I’m confused. Is she black, or “asian”?
    And does “asian” imply muslim sympathizer?

    Or do I settle for the tried-and-true “f_/k whitey”, the whitey whose life don’t matter, ‘cept for he gonna pay us reparations.

  2. The Palin experience is when little faggot basement dwelling pussies discovered they could become keyboard commandos and insult and call people vile names with no repercussions.

    Mike Tyson

    “Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”

  3. I thought the same thing yesterday, vet Kamala like they did Palin. First off Palin actually was game for any interview. Kamala can’t handle any tough questions, she proved that during her short time running for POTUS. What sticks out the most in my memory was the gotcha interview on the Bush Doctrine. If Kamala was vetted like Palin she’d be in a mental institution and whoever conducted such treatment would be forever labeled racist, anti-woman, without any chance of redemption.

  4. “Treat Kamala like they treated Palin”

    I would NEVER do that. We’ll treat her WORSE.

    Sarah Palin made it on her own. When she got there, she performed well.

    Kamala Harris fucked and sucked her way up. When she got there, she fell on her semen-stained face.

    We thought Biden was an idiot, until he picked this fucking douchebag as his VP. Now KNOW he’s an idiot.


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