Trevor Noah’s ‘Daily Show’ Deletes Critical Tweet of Biden After Leftist Backlash – IOTW Report

Trevor Noah’s ‘Daily Show’ Deletes Critical Tweet of Biden After Leftist Backlash

(Headline USA) “The Daily Show” deleted a tweet mocking President Joe Biden during his State of the Union address on Tuesday, after facing backlash from leftist viewers.

The late night show, hosted by leftist Trevor Noah, shared an image of a dead battery on its Twitter account during Biden’s speech, and said, “Biden rn.” [Biden Right Now] more

5 Comments on Trevor Noah’s ‘Daily Show’ Deletes Critical Tweet of Biden After Leftist Backlash

  1. No different than those in The Catholic Church who criticize people who are expressing what everyone with any functional power of discernment recognizes about Bergoglio. I remember my mother jumped the curb and damn near ran the family vehicle into a telephone pole when I said Archbishop Hunthausen is a crackpot and quite possible a heretic when I was about seventeen years old.

    I did not retract what I said. I said: I said what I said and I damn well meant it.

  2. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.
    George Orwell, “1984”

  3. @ The Delete Button, Expediter Of The Prophecy Of Orwell MARCH 3, 2022 AT 12:29 PM

    That is part of what the coordinated deleting the reader/community comments sections of practically every news outlet in the country between November 2019 and February of 2020 leading up to Mostly Peaceful Riot season and the Corona Scam was.

    The comments section is where “the rest of the story” was found more often than not. This was absolutely and transparently a coordinated effort, the justification given being more or less a cut and paste job, to prepare for a major progressive spring offensive.


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