Trey Gowdy to serve as the next chairman of the House oversight committee – IOTW Report

Trey Gowdy to serve as the next chairman of the House oversight committee


The House Republican Steering Committee on Thursday picked Rep. Trey Gowdy to serve as the next chairman of the House oversight committee and replace outgoing Chairman Jason Chaffetz.

Mr. Gowdy said in a statement he’s “grateful” to the steering committee and the GOP conference for the opportunity to serve. The full Republican conference would have to ratify the recommendation.

“I look forward to working alongside the other committee members, as well as any member of Congress, as we discharge the jurisdiction assigned to us,” said Mr. Gowdy, South Carolina Republican.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Mr. Gowdy, who currently sits on the oversight committee, has his “absolute confidence.”  read more

13 Comments on Trey Gowdy to serve as the next chairman of the House oversight committee

  1. I’d love to ask Mr Gowdy: Sir, is anything of any real substance ever going to result from one of your grand performances, or is this destined to be just another television mini-series?
    Will there ever be any cattle to go with the hat?
    Will there ever be a steak to go with all that sizzle?

  2. Remember last summer, when all the conservative Bloggers and commenters were sure, just ironclad sure, that Comey was the Honest Sheriff, the principled straight shooter who would restore justice and Do The Right Thing?
    That was all Uniparty propaganda.

    The Uniparty does the same for Trey Gowdy.

    Having Gowdy now brought into the Mueller witch hunt is extremely dangerous for our President.

  3. After Gowdy engages in a serious and raucous “give and take” with a person revealing potential violations of the law, it is not up to Gowdy to then say “Officers, arrest this person!”

    His job is basically just higher awareness of the issue and discovery – find out information and nothing more. It is the DOJ that takes the next step. I think we have expectations for some of these people beyond their role.

    Example: Look at the activity generated (press, media, talking points, etc.) by the Benghazi and Fast and Furious hearings.

  4. The Gunny,

    He’s one of the leading members of congress so he could maybe try and pass a law. Last I heard laws could be pretty effective in getting things done.

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