Trey Gowdy Torches Rosenstein During Hearing On Russian Investigation – IOTW Report

Trey Gowdy Torches Rosenstein During Hearing On Russian Investigation

DC: South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy criticized investigators Thursday for not moving faster on their investigation into the extent of Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

“If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury,” Gowdy, a Republican who chairs the House Committee on Oversight, told FBI Director Christopher Wray and deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein at a congressional hearing.

“Whatever you got, finish it the hell up,” Gowdy said. “Right now this country is being torn apart.” Gowdy is not the only Republican seeking answers from Wray and Rosenstein.  watch

SNIP: Today, he wore his “Prosecutor” hair style.

12 Comments on Trey Gowdy Torches Rosenstein During Hearing On Russian Investigation

  1. Trey Gowdy couldn’t torch anybody with a flame thrower. He is the most over rated, phoney baloney, mad dog of a prosecutor I’ve ever seen. I hope like hell Trump is not considering him for anything other than a retired congress critter.

  2. I always enjoy watching Congressman Trey Gowdy questioning witnesses and answering questions after the hearings. He asks great questions and elicits answers like nobody else. I wish he was the Attorney General, then he could prosecute these crooked thieves and seditious bastards.

  3. No one has every been indicted, prosecuted, or incarcerated by any member of Congress in the history of this country. Does anyone seriously believe that Attorney General Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch were going to put Hillary Rodham Clinton or Susan Rice in jail for any of their illegal activities? Elections have consequences, and one of them should be that both of these women get indicted, prosecuted, and sentenced as soon as possible. If nothing happens in six months, then I’ll have to agree that the Trump Administration is just as corrupt as the Obama Administration was.


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