Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, teen charged in Kenosha shooting, delayed until fall – IOTW Report

Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, teen charged in Kenosha shooting, delayed until fall

CBS: The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager accused of killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the summer, has been delayed until November 1. The trial was originally set to begin March 29.

In a virtual court hearing on Wednesday, prosecutors and Rittenhouse’s attorney agreed to delay the start of the trial to give them more time to prepare.

“There are a number of outstanding issues with discovery, DNA testing and some other issues that need to be taken care of. There are also some logistics with regards to the eventual jury that need to be hammered out,” said Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger. read more

8 Comments on Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, teen charged in Kenosha shooting, delayed until fall

  1. …see? They just want to keep the lawyer clock running on him so he loses by default when the money runs out, which it WILL because the Government can use OUR money to pay THEIR lawyers FOREVER…eventually they WILL spend you into submission, just ask General Flynn how THAT works…

  2. He should be getting a reward, not a trial.

    The media have largely sanitized the criminal histories of these three men. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender who was out on bond for a domestic abuse battery accusation and was caught on video acting aggressively earlier that night. Huber was a felon convicted in a strangulation case who was recently accused of domestic abuse. Grosskreutz was convicted of a crime for use of a firearm while intoxicated and was armed with a handgun when shot. You can read their criminal records in full later in this article.

  3. Whenever a balck thug gets shot thousands pour into the streets to protest. But a white patriot kid shoots some commies and the American public sits on their asses. Shame on us.

  4. Cant have two acquittals in a row. If justice is truly still alive and mob rule isn’t the new law moving forward, both Rittenhouse and Chauvin will be acquitted or face slaps on the wrist.


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