Trick. – IOTW Report


Spookflation: Halloween Candy Prices Surge to Frightening Heights.


Scared yet? American households might be frightened by how much they will be paying for candy this year as Halloween approaches next week.

High inflation has increased the cost of candy by 13.1 percent from a year ago — the highest price increase ever recorded.

This can be attributed to a surge in production costs and price increases for sugar, milk, and flour ingredients. According to the Labor Department, sugar is up by 14.4 percent, milk is up by 15.2 percent, and flour has jumped by a whopping 24.2 percent.

A drought in sugar beet crops is also affecting production costs has also affected production. Forbes notes that since sugar beets require fertilizer, which has been affected by supply chain issues and high inflation, American farmers have elected to plant fewer sugar beets to save on costs.

As a result, companies have drastically raised the price of the candy products they produce from last year. more

11 Comments on Trick.

  1. There was an article here on IOTW about this a few months ago where the director of Hersey’s was getting bent over by the shareholders for firing nonvaccinated employees and left them short staffed and unable to meet demands as well.

  2. On earth as it is in heaven… I am raising a warrior for the Kingdom of Heaven. We don’t celebrate satanic holidays. We will be singing, praising and worshipping God, and praying for deliverance of all victims of SRA and human trafficking.
    “I set before you life and death. Choose life!”

  3. Tremendous surge in kids seeking handouts in my neighborhood this year, the count was up 100% over last year.

    I don’t do candy but I helped to put up lights and did parking patrol. Saw at least 2 short buses and many vans from a neighboring state mooching off us.

    It’s sick. People seem like they are entitled you know. My neighbor bought $ 250 worth of candy and gave it away. I don’t have that kind of money so Karen’s can feed their kids.

  4. @Cynic ~ somehow, ‘armatures’ fit … lol

    always loved Halloween as a kid, still do. realize it is a pagan holiday … so are the origins of Christmas … & I still celebrate that one too!

  5. It’s nice to see the neighborhood kids having fun. It’s also nice that the ring the doorbell then leave right away, instead of staying for a couple of hours…

  6. I haven’t bought candy in 30 years – don’t get trick or treaters around here. Kiddies are afraid of bears, mountain lions, and long dark roads and hills. There’s a reason why I live here.

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