Triggered Democrat Party Media Guy Pulls a Knife on ‘Oregon Women for Trump’ Convoy. Seriously. – IOTW Report

Triggered Democrat Party Media Guy Pulls a Knife on ‘Oregon Women for Trump’ Convoy. Seriously.

PJM: Don’t worry, Democrats. The local Democrat Party communications guy who was caught in photos and video threatening and intimidating the women of “Oregon Women for Trump” with a knife on Sunday is just fine. He’s out of jail and everything, as you would expect in the second largest county in the People’s Republic. So don’t worry. This is Oregon, and – quick look…here’s a white supremacist over there! – so this whole episode will go down the collective media memory hole in no time, just like that Hispanic “white supremacist” murdered by antifa. more

16 Comments on Triggered Democrat Party Media Guy Pulls a Knife on ‘Oregon Women for Trump’ Convoy. Seriously.

  1. I’ve moved up to carrying my engraved Philippines 1945 massive blade forged from a leaf spring.

    Never been washed. Can cut through battery cables like butter. You’ll need a tetanus shot if it nicks you.

    I admit…I drooled when I saw that dumb ass with his tiny blade hanging by his side.

    Honestly been considering bringing back scalping.

  2. Like I said. Don’t call Oregon. Until you wish to be considered an adult state. And that’s probably not fair. I’m sure most of Oregon is a lovely state filled with wonderful people.

    But this Portland issue is turning the rest of America away.

    Sober up. Be contrite and ask for help.
    It saddens all of us watching your reeling and careening about.

  3. He was suffering from an episode of PTSD [Predicrable Trump Sighting Deception] exclusively Infecting liberals.Most responsible for hissy fits and typically feminine displ\ays of uncontrolled anger.

  4. Who am I kidding. The most violent thing I’ve seen all month is a horse try to bite another horse on the back of the neck.

    That was easily 5-6 seconds of pulse pounding excitement.

  5. Thank GOD I move out of Oregon(a beautiful state, but the politics suck ass big time). If that unhinged asshole would have walked up to my car window with a knife he would have left with a .45ACP round in the face! Then I’d have to deal with their fuckin’ commie D.A.s that sore ass paid for and it would have cost me a fortune to fight it. So I’m money ahead moving to Arizona! Fuck those commie bitches in Salem/Eugene/and Portlandia!


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