Triggered Weirdos of the week! – IOTW Report

Triggered Weirdos of the week!

Highlight reel of triggered lefties throughout the week from our Trump flag waving events- Paint The Trump.

11 Comments on Triggered Weirdos of the week!

  1. Sorel wrote about a time when all political discourse would devolve into the screaming of slogans into one another’s faces – no one attempting to communicate rationally. No deviation allowed. No rational thought admitted.

    He was a French socialist whose ideas were adopted by Communists, National Socialists, Inter-National Socialists, Fascists, and others. We are beginning to experience St. Petersburg, Wiemar, Havana, Peking, Managua, Rome, Paris, and all the other cities where the socialists, nazis, fascists, communists, or other totalitarians tried to wrest power from the people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. When leftists joined the group there was not a single threat of vandalism or violence from the Trumpers. If the situation had been reversed Trump supporters would have been beat up at the least.

  3. I hope some LibTard with bad hearing doesn’t misunderstand the “triggered” catchphrase thinking they’re yelling something else and go cray-cray on the grassroots pro-Trump peaceful demonstrators.


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