Triple-Jabbed Geraldo Rivera SHOCKED He Got Covid – IOTW Report

Triple-Jabbed Geraldo Rivera SHOCKED He Got Covid

FFN: There’s a phenomenon that has been happening more and more lately. With our government pushing both vaccines and boosters so heavily, they have gaslighted many into believing the reason to get triple-jabbed is to protect them and others from Covid-19. But as “rare” breakthrough cases continue to skyrocket, we’re been seeing the rise of the phenomenon known as “The Triple-Jabbed Shocker.”

Okay, so I made the name up. But that doesn’t take away from the reality that people continue to get jab after jab after jab, then they’re confused when they catch Covid-19. Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera is the latest “shocked” celebrity.

Despite his admission, he’s doubling- and tripling-down on his vaccine push. MORE HERE

32 Comments on Triple-Jabbed Geraldo Rivera SHOCKED He Got Covid

  1. Several local lefty people on FB are lamenting that they caught Covid over the holidays. They always conclude their announcement that because they are 3X their symptoms would have been worse…so get vaxxed! The usual mantra.

    One guy though was clearly ticked off and said, I don’t know what to think about this. I did et right and still got sick.”

    Right now, I know 3 people who had Covid The Original tm who have this Omicron variant. None are jabbed-so everyone is back on equal footing I guess.

  2. The Vaccinated are spreading Covid to the Vaccinated.
    The Vaccinated are catching Covid from other Vaccinated.
    Some Vaccinated who catch Covid from other Vaccinated have been hospitalized.
    Some Vaccinated who catch Covid from the Vaccinated are even dying from Covid.
    If the Vaccine is so good, why isn’t the Vaccine so good?

  3. Now you also have the CDC admitting that 75% who have been counted in this country as dying from covid had FOUR or More comorbidities.

    So the numbers who possibly died from covid without four or more comorbidities is 192,750, then you take off those who had 2 or 3 comrbidities and most likely you’re at half that number, then you take off those who died from suicide, accidents, etc. who were counted and you’re more than likely under the average flu deaths per year. Then take away those who were murdered with ventilators and you have to ask did anyone actually die from covid?

  4. joe6pak
    JANUARY 10, 2022 AT 1:26 PM
    “What’s it going to take for doctors and patients alike to realize that our Covid response is not working in the patients best interest?”

    …a single death.

    Their OWN.

    …nothing short of that will convince them.

  5. It’s one thing to give someone some shit while using a recognized name, it’s another thing to give someone shit using one of the many anonymouses. You guys need to man up and be somebody instead of pretending your some kind of individual with principles for not having an identity.

  6. Don’t listen to Geraldo Rivera.
    Don’t trust Geraldo Rivera. He’s been married 5 times and admitted to cheating with on each wife except the last one…

    If God and your wife can’t trust ya i know i can’t.

    He’s not a conservative, he’s a liar.

  7. Look at the official data coming from California health dept showing number of infections. I spit out my coffee when I saw it.

    There are 2 lines, one red (dirty unvaxxed) and one green (clean sheep).

    The dirty red line is near vertical from the bottom to the top of the chart on the right hand side (omicron).

    The clean green line is flat with a tiny upward bump on the right hand side (omicron).

    I didn’t look at the numbers because it’s a joke, but one could reasonably conclude from the chart that with 50,000 cases per day in Cali that roughly 49,700 of them are from the dirty red unvaxxed group.

    Absolutely hysterical.

  8. Some corrections on my post after looking at the latest CDC data, 95% had at least one condition, so that leaves 38,550, the end result is the same did anyone actually die from covid?

    Using only their numbers, using that 38,550 deaths. They report all of the cases reported up until now is 57,898,239, that means 99.99933 people who caught the wuhan flu lived. Likely even more when you count how many they have murdered with ventilators and lack of treatment that works.
    I still say it can be beat even without Ivermectin because we did it before we knew anything about treatments. It was done with zinc, vitamin c, in addition to extra c with tons of oranges and orange juice and we got our vitamin D from sitting in the sun everyday.

  9. “because they are 3X their symptoms would have been worse…”

    I’d like to know how they know their symptoms would be worse without the jab. Seems to me the ones dropping dead after getting the jab are the ones who got the worse symptoms from the jab. DUH!

  10. Inquiring minds want to know: Wuz Jerry’s nose tape up because he couldn’t keep it outta other people’s business or did he just have reconstructive surgery to remove all his “Pinocchios”?

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